Tuesday, March 2, 2010

shrimp alfredo, arnold palmer, Crisis Intervention-Intro and Chapter 1

this is gonna be a relatively busy week. many appointments to make and meet up, and yet, it seems folks have wound down more. story of my life-the opposite flow of how ppl go.

a lil more insomnia on the plate, thought i had a drop-off this morn but miscalculated. runnin thru it tmr. calls comin in, some spam, some legit, like this one i called fer a harvard study. some of the fun screenin questions deserved to be shared:

"do you have ESP, or believe that you hear voices?"
"why do you feel this way?"
"what other powers or psychological problems do you have?"

read up on some crisis intervention, kinda feels like back to school, cept the realm of money and future are tossed out the window. found an old schoolmate, turns out they got bigger durin the years-nothin wrong with that, cause folks know i got love handles too.

entertained some guests, while clearin out the closet in my head. learnin i play kinda sloppy, but the thought process is clear as day. headed out to chi-town for some steamed buns, then came back to base. accidentally flirted with a stranger, though i thought they looked familiar...d'oh.

will have to double time fer other readin and obligations. hopfly it won't involve goin to the hospital or gettin sued.


clouded in my head again. simply needin to express myself once again. the website'll need some hands; it's already got ideas. nothin too interestin or thought-provokin, but it'll set things up for the grand stage. 14 years left...


not sure what i'm gon be tmr, tday or ever. nor where i'll die, live, or continue. so, we soldier forth.

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