Friday, March 19, 2010

orange juice, 3 dinner rolls, air

thinkin of ways now to cover my crappy haircut, and i'm all out of tasteful hats. du-rag city in 5, 4, 3...

was about to get up and go to the commonwealth seminar, but decided to make love to my bed. the affair continued until 11:30, with which i was still tired from :( played some games fer a bit, then did some meditating.

headed out to Simmons College fer some spring rolls, but to my disappointment, they weren't made, nor were there folks there. jetted to best buy instead, played rockband until the wee hours of the night, then headed back to base.

more gamin, more catchin up, more confusion in my mind, and generally displeased with how life's goin right now. the sun sucks, not cause it's such a drastic contrast on life now, but cause of apparent spots in my vision now. oh yeah, and the general contrast on life.


tday, i reaffirmed what should be part of my ministry, if you could so call it.

the past couple of days, i've been accomplishing small things behind the scenes. no one knows how they happen, but the area people are part of, is better, and they don't second guess themselves for it. guess they're nothing significant, or worth noting, but for now that's how it fills up.

the most important part that i discovered is more of the time element. everyone says it's worth the same as money, if not more. in both ways, i am here to contribute in that aspect. the main credo right now is that I will promise myself enough time for servitude, 24/7. there is never a spot when i will have to say, "no i don't have time to help" and that it's always accessible. the other part of it is the constructive time use. not only will the help be available, but it'll save others time in the process.

be it things small, misunderstood, undeveloped, and undelivered, the services offered are ones to close that gap. accomplishment will come quicker, better, and with more of a personal touch. as Common said, this letter's "signed,sealed and delivered", cept i haven't been waitin to send it. waitin for someone to take me up on my offer.


there are 3 types of folks i know right now, and perhaps you are the worst. why is this? it's cause you've been giving the impression of pushing us away. in all fairness, i did the same couple years back, but it was to protect you from a greater evil. that didn't mean that i wasn't wantin to embark on a path with you; it only meant that i wasn't ready to expose you to truer evil.

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