Tuesday, March 2, 2010

bbq pork, bread, sauce, sweet tea

aimin to change the world i live in. progress is nothing like evolution-you will definitely NOT see intermediate forms.

woke up by a weird dream bout me being mugged and killed in roxbury over a blue hoodie that i never owned or had ever. ran thru the early morning to disappointment. wiki journey took me through US history, and french failures. took a power nap but was interrupted by a vulture. entertained the guests until 5, then headed out to Dillon's for the CS meetup. (my review on yelp will explain more of it)

Highlights from the meetup:
-2 folks who work fer the seminar, both named Jen, and both work at the same place out of the seminar.
-cofounder of the seminar had a perfect cowlick thru the presentation
-a woman who looked like ray charles
-a woman who reminded me of Chyna the wrestler

before headin back to base, followed up on a phone call to RunMyErrand-pending a background check, i will officially be a gofer. headed back to base, and fergot i needed to buy shampoo. tmr i will feel no-sexy at all.


the night itself was a bust in terms of information, but revealed more about my character instead.

from what i saw, the seminar is pretty much open to the public, perhaps not affiliated with the government, and is attended by folks of all ages and life stages. this year's group also is heavily women, which was odd to interact with. folks seemed to be highstrung, or maybe i needed some air, but whater the case, it'll be interesting to see how this mix of ppl will work on the first session.

hopfly, i may succeed where sam yoon fell.


time to hammer out great works, with a lil help from my friends. oh, and this book i read.

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