Thursday, March 4, 2010

fake cheerios, no drink?!?!

waitin fer my books to get here, so i can philosophize and rap at the same time. makavelli in this britch.

woke up hard from last night, maybe the fumes from the beer got to me. ended up havin a weird dream where i helped shave the face of that guy Ross from Friends. updated some lists, while playin some games, and gettin trounced by stupidity again.

headed out to lechmere fer the RunMyErrand orientation. lotta free beer, a dog that both craved cupcakes and me and a small networking session. had a nice chat with someone, am tryin to find her, but facebook's new layout is havoc on simplicity.

landed onto a train at park street that smelt like pancake syrup, and headed out to harvard square to see Children of Invention. surfed around the area fer a bit, did a deal, then watched the movie fer a bit.

returning back to base, kinda unwinding and cookin 2nd dinner. need to get the lead out of my brain, lest sluggishness catch up.


we're all suckers fer something. tnight, i am reminded again what it is. tmr, it will not change, not here or ever. it is my curse and my reward to triumph over. it is my happiness, and sadness and my will to go on.


someone asked me what my favorite thing in the world was today, and i answered "confusion". in retrospect, a half-lie, half-truth. Stimes clearcutness helps much more than the struggle, but the struggle allows us to grow as human beings. plus i love thinking...

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