Tuesday, March 16, 2010

stupid "fresh bread", sweet tea

(wishes that he had more, so that he had more to give)

hammered out some reading and talkin to a friend that put me oertime for sleep. woken up by a friend in the wee mornin. couple hours later, someone busts through my room, remarking that i'm still in bed. dunno what time that was, but most prolly some stupid time, like say 7 am.

finally rewoken at the right time by alarms, took care of the menial things in this prison cell of mine. breakfast was very dry and 7 eleven reworked their shelvings, leavin me flustered fer a bit. played games fer a while, and sent a follow up letter to PSI. saw that my friend's auction was now overbid, so decided to head to bank. found out that once again i'm broke.

some reading, some cleaning, some exercise. unexpected call during mass dinnertime, apparently a job interview tmr morning. talked with a couple more friends while generally burning time and feelin bored. needin to have a battle plan fer tmr regarding all meetings and how to unwind.


not much to say here tday, except know how to manage your time.


having no interest in my own life, i need something else to lavish efforts upon. countdown insanity in 3, 2, 2 and a half...

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