Friday, March 26, 2010

shredded wheat, corn flakes, pepsi

earn my respect, and the world will be given to you. curse my name, and may you wallow in your own misery. simple motto to live by.

woke up this mornin, optin for a refreshin day, since i got more than enough sleep-throat still scratchy and dry. played some games fer a bit, and got into a little war with a guy, which i ended up winnin, purely by curiosity. headed out to ming's market to grab lunch, then to meet up allen at prudential.

some gaming convention is in town, so a lot of folks were at the prudential center. some guy went up to one of my acquaintances and asked him if he wanted to link pokewalkers together; i thought it seemed too much like gay bathhouse cruising. stuck round fer a bit, played some games and took care of some finances before headin to best buy to unwind.

gamed fer a bit, still need to work on hammer-offs more effectively, and also the rapid succession in the drums. ended up teachin a stranger how to play drums and guitar from very easy to the medium difficulty. left when i "needed to go"

back to base, makin dinner. gettin into scuffles with the wack person at home. simply i think she's gonna be forever unjoyful-the proverbial yin to my yang, in terms of emotion and hope. needin to figure out plans fer tmr, and hopefully there's no return of this abrupt winter.


i... don't know how to take of kids that well. in my experience, i've worked with folks of many ages. wee ones of 5 and 6, to 3rd and 4th graders, to 6-8th, and older. what i do, i don't treat them as smaller, inferior, or less wiser. pretty much, they're the same as us old folks, cept a lil more..naive maybe?

tnight i was reminded of such when 3 separate age groups were tryin to play rock band. this lil kid was mindlessly bangin the drums. an older kid was hittin the drums, better than the other kid, cause he had a bit of rhythm but he was also a lil resilient to change. finally this other person, i was able to teach guitar and drums by changin their technique. it was pretty cool.

point is, i myself have got to learn how to change my own technique in dealing with folks. no "one size fits all" method can work fer people. guess i'm projectin too many of my own ideals, hopes and dreams onto others in my vision of what could be a better world onto folks, and... i guess all aren't ready or willin fer it at this point in their lives. maybe some day the right persons will understand my "method of madness", my lazy lunacy.


not gonna resign myself to this fate of americanism. i love this land, and i love my people, but we've lost sight of what we really should be fighting for, some time ago....america, you gotta help yourself, before you go colonizing other lands again.

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