Wednesday, March 31, 2010

corn flakes on a train

men can influence us to act. some men can get us to think differently. even fewer can affect the ways we should feel. but who in your life can captivate you so hard that it changes the way you live? Easter's in a few... have a good one, J.C.

woke up this mornin prematurely, ended up oversleepin the alarm that i accidentally shut off. caught up on early emails and such, and saw an errand that i could actually run so headed out after preppin and gatherin the right materials.

took a trip that brought me to somerville to pick up an envelope, and deliver it to NEU, or "home field" as i like to call it. got lost fer a lil bit, but met up some new and old familiar faces fer a bit. after successfully runnin the errand, headed to best buy to unwind in victory.

guitar wasn't workin, the "bass" guitar's strum was broke, and the chair fer the drum was taken by a guy who was playing MLB 2010. (really yo, that game doesn't require you to sit at all-even IRL baseball is majority standing, unless you suck). headed to pru instead to see if folks were there. played some stupid things and learned bout other decks and tricks before headin out to CR.

CR tnight was kinda wack. came early and folks weren't there; everyone was out of their natural rhythm, and there was corn syrup ervywhere. fortunately though, got a lot of things to think about, mostly the part of how to be a fundamental Christian.

walked back to base, catchin up with a friend. some packages came in the mail, took care of them. some msgs that i couldn't respond to. long weekend ahead, starting with tryin to knock off my bonus in the games, followed by a beta testing, state house meeting, and Easter things to be done. hopfly this sickness goes away before.


congee should not resemble soup. 'nuff said. should tell you all you need to know bout me, from a food critic stance.


why do folks see more of the hatred in my heart than the love? it's there too, but i guess it's not as powerful or having the ability to move others as much as it can and prolly should. (wish my love was "offensive")

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