Saturday, March 27, 2010

corn flakes, sparkling water

my friend stacks caiuses on his diamond dude effects, has led to many lulz

woke up, bad cough, sore throat. called ppl regarding hanging out tday, and folks were busy, not there, or not havin it. gamed fer a bit-am laying back, cause i'm actin delirious, and playin terrible. headed out to meadow glen mall to run some errands.

sold off some of the video game stuff. picked up my gift card, and looked around fer a place to spend it in, but nothin appealin, and also fer the fact i don't need "more materials" in my house.

fun stuff at the mall:

-easter decorations
-a woman manikin with a sloppily placed easter bunny suit on it
-a person dressed as an easter bunny takin pictures with kids, who were punchin it. looked like a corpse at first, cause it wasn't moving...
-thread therapy/beauty acts.
-bunch of old italian dudes playing a game. one looked almost exactly like super mario, while the others were kinda stereotypish lookin. (not sayin that in a bad way, but it was the idea, personified)

on the way back to base (instead of best buy for rock band, cause still tired, sick and have things to do), i come to the revelation of what my future wife would look like to me: in the end, it doesn't matter if she looks like a train wreck, cause i'mma still love her. beauty is only aesthetic preference to our minds. (however, if she decides to have a sex change, i'm out)

at base, ate some dinner, while asking questions to my colleagues about girl stuff, and the world around me. optin to take care of a bit more finances later on this week, after i get rid of this sickness. where is michael jackson's hyperbaric chamber when i need it?


a thought hit me when i came off the bus tday. we are suckers fer technology, and i wonder why. we've been usin it fer so long, and perhaps we are coming to the point where if they all suddenly stopped working, or even worse, ran amok, we'd go "what do we do now?" don't get me wrong, technology has great use, and has done so much for ppl. but let's consider some of the typical technological marvels we have and typically use today:

apple and its related products in the music industry, such as the iPod, iTouch, etc has made entertainment portable, easy to access, and easy to buy as well as build and toy around with. great and all for personal entertainment, and even sharing with friends. but as i walk through boston common, or sit on the train, folks don't wanna communicate-they wanna be left alone. stimes they don't even notice the world around them with their earbuds jacked in. our own implicit form of isolation-same goes for cell phones.

personal computers have been faster, stronger, being able to hold, process data, organize many things, streamline us ideas and information on the internet, able to create many works of art. however, another isolationist tool. every one computer out there, unshared, owned, personalized, but guarded, and out of reach. even worse, as we use these tools, in our homes, in our workplaces...who's really using who here?

tv-broadcaster of entertainment since the death of the Golden Age of film. much like a gun, great in the right hands, deadly if not. folks glued to the couch, watching crappy sitcoms and other shows. a double shot to us, because not only are we harmed by its content, but also by the time wasting element. same for video games, and i partially know firsthand and from secondhand accounts.

the whole of our technology, without even realizing it, is that we're wiping out the face of humanity ever so slowly. one day it might be even that we become so comfortable with our lives, that we don't need other humans to function, sustain, or entertain ourselves; we'll get all our knowledge, enjoyment, our "life" from machines. this is what we must avoid-to not let us become the pet of the machines that we created so much to help us, that instead, they become the master technician.


(wonders if this'll ever get to you in time...yknow, before i either get old and grey, or you fall off a cliff. )

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