Sunday, March 21, 2010

ja leun, air

man, brushin the teeth really clears the cobwebs, even though the eyes feel heavy.

woke up this mornin screwed from bad sleep. service was arigh, challenged us to understand what our devotions were to. seemed like a reminder of destroying our idols and telling us what or rather who is more important. headed off to the cafe sunday schol fer a bit, then back to the music room. followed it up with lunch at pho pasteur with folks from ss, then headed back to church.

pretty much messin around on the old super nintendo, playin such classics as TMNT fighters and Street Fighter. some bang! as well, before headin back to base to pick up a sweater and seein the spectacle at andy's place.

the last couple of hours there, played more bang!, ate pizza, and watched the disaster zone of kirklin's hair being made. various cracks about what it looked like as well as small commentaries about the process.

some night end preparations before goin to bed. feelin really tired, and not feelin motivated as much fer tmr mornin. books will not give me solace.


feelin the fatigue now. guess the most pressing thought for this entry/session was trying to incorporate another poem into my writing. would have integrated the happenings of tday, and a lil more indepth of what really goes on in my mind. but the world right now doesn't want it, nor do my friends really need it, so i'll leave the quality away fer now, until ones are really seeking.


engagement in the human condition-not what i'm doing now, but one day hope to accomplish. to be, but not be a part of.

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