Monday, March 2, 2009

instant noodles, orange juice

at one of the few points in life where havin a snow day doesn't matter fer me nemore.

woke up round 11ish with a funky dream in my mind bout dancin. played some games fer a bit, while eatin breakfast. found out that there's over 110% of the daily intake of sodium in it-ruined my taste. gettin yelled at too don't make my day either.

went to lib to take care of stuff. plans to start mentoring some ppl, if in fact they can get it out of their heads that their way, or the "pros" way is the best method. still seein that folks only respect the money line, or are too committed to their own ideals.

bk after, went to twigs. was a weird night, considerin all the semi-isolation that i felt/saw being caused by the couples. the few solaces i had, whether gaming or music, didn't seem to work out in the end.

back to base, phone call in hand, can't talk because the roommate's sleepin. dunno what i'm feelin now-the last couple hours are collapsin on me. noticed that on my ipizzle that the only categories of songs are either love or rap...

wantin to get away from the non-life i ever had.


feelin this rancid taste in my mouth, simply because the path to happiness i want, i can never have.


righ now, lookin fer ppl in life to understand. thinkin however, my mind and heart are really confused...

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