Saturday, March 14, 2009

french toast, scrambled eggs, purple powerade

with all the money in the world, would your life really change? or would your inhibitions disappear, only to resurface as new vices?

woke up early, but dreamin about the game. thought i smelt pancakes, but it was french toast. ate my cheesy eggs while jonathan killed me at cooking.

copley-won some more games. new deck ideas. left around 4 to kill time at prudential to wait for shaq. saw someone get robbed of their ipod. hung around fer a couple hours, found a Playboy in the bathroom. went to shaws to pick up ingredients fer shrimp alfredo.

back to base, cleaned up some, ate leftovers and mulled over the day. tried to watch some dvd, but ppl got bored and tired. plannin fer tmr.


it's a drag. the unique ideas i "have", now they're being listened to, and i don't want that. there's a reason why i made it that way-it worked for me, a large percentage of the time. now, if people are going to do the same thing, it's gonna lose its effectiveness.


you know, i can't lie. now i'm startin to feel a little greedy too..

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