Thursday, March 19, 2009


right now, i'm in this weird place. wanting to be entertained, but not searching entertainment. wishin things could be resolved and laid out in stone, rather than me havin to continually guess my emotions and read others.

hopin that i can figure out how i can deal with friends and coworkers at a later date. runnin through a cycle again when i shoot myself in the foot in order to make others' lives a bit more efficient. always forgettin that there's an emotional component, which i seem to snuff out, for the sake of action. it's at these moments that i realize that the proper action may in fact be to falter and take it slow.

slow, simply because in case we do fall and fail, we are doing it together. some of the greatest feelings of accomplishment don't come in the shine of the sun, but the moodiness of night.

if i could, i'd make it so that ppl are happy fer the right reasons, and not simply in order to satisfy a task or some innate character deficiency. but it's not gonna happen, and ppl aren't going to understand overnight, nor when it really matters.

so perhaps shallowness might be the way to go, in order for some boulders of truth to get things done. it's not giving up, but it's taking a diffrent route to the same destination.

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