Monday, March 30, 2009

chinese wheat bread, orange juice

Don't let the sun go down on your anger. Now I know why.

was restless in bed thinkin of ppl in bed. found a splinter in my pants, dunno how it got there. woke up an headed to the post office to sell off another textbook. took the bus to get to work, someone splashed coffee on me.

explored the place roun som. it's a lot larger from the inside. filled out some forms, heard some spiels. sounds a lot of work fer X dollars an hour. apparently an old school mate is workin with me too.

on the breaks, looked fer some decent food. there's a somalian place and some spanish buffet place, but the food didn't sound too appealin. went to walgreens fer some drank. also got bored, checked out the goodwill store. got a dartboard, 2 shirts and a stuffed animal.

ended early cause they couldn't fingerprint us. back to base in the rain, come back an find out TWIGS is tmr. prolly gon chill here fer rest of the day, might check out the "alternative" gym 2 blocks down, need to kill some flab.


not mad anymore, guess i gotta learn how to take jokes. i know i can, but some seedy stuff goes down, and oh well. the sacrifices i make in order to cap a lil happiness in life. if anythin, i should be pologizin, but that might be attributed to force of habit.


countin down the days. as of right now, i'm a free man.

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