Monday, March 16, 2009

fettuccini alfredo, fruit punch soda

noticed that the last couple times i was sick, it was cause i was spendin time with friends =)

woke up round 10ish, wasn't feelin too good. went back to bed and woke again at 1. ate some breakfast/lunch at home instead of out, dim sumin or whatever.

headed to church to look fer ppl. played some bball on the outdoor court, back inside later. watched a travesty of a monpoly game go down, while indulgin in old school paperboy.

back to base, ivan, jonathan, james, and mel at my place. we found a book in the livin room that had a buncha pickup lines to get women. played some games, headed to james' place fer pizza and guitar hero.

return again to base, made 2 decks. thinkin bout day and night. the lonely loner seems to free his mind at night...


i've made up my mind. noble ends can come from ignoble actions.

made a new enemy today, solidified in stone. time to get smarter.


so...from what i hear, cops had to patrol against bars and liquor stores, cause of the st. paddy's parade? ...must we equate drinking and..?

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