Monday, March 16, 2009

pancakes with jam, scrambled eggs, fruit punch soda

man was not meant to beg on his knees, nor fly like an eagle. earth is his domain.

woke up early from a weird series of dreams. mystery girl morphing into something else, old people on top of a summer camp hill, me singing go west "king of wishful thinking". me falling, rolling down the hill into the surrounding area of mystery woman's bed. about to enter, when all of a sudden, i play a murmillo and destroy a spirit reaper. i'm about to attack for game, when i hear another woman's voice saying "no, please". the familiarity and pleading tone of voice placates me. enter sunlight.

jeff woke me up, needin somthin to do. came over, made pancakes and scrambled eggs. plannin to see off jonathan but was too late by then. cleanin up the house some, then headed to copley. ppl with lack of confidence, while debatin the economy's status. on and off with gameplay, while talkin to folks, makin jokes. wendy's after, hearin stories and failures of glory.

TWIGS after, learnin about how God wants us to take risks with what we have, our talents, gifts, responsibilities. not unnecry risks though. played some r band and heads-up bang. walkin back to base, assailed by visions of poverty. recollectin my thoughts now.


headin back to base from TWIGS around mass ave, a spanish guy asks me fer directions, an i shrug it off since i didn't know the street he was lookin fer. he then asks me fer money twice, 50 cents first, then a quarter. i play it off by "faking" that i only know chinese.

headin down tremont st. saw two people on two separate blocks, checkin trash fer cans. night's stil active in the cafes and bars. thinkin the street's a lil more soulless now.

back to base round my area-i think...yeah, we gotta do somethin bout this. this ain't the way a city's sposed to treat its citizens. public awareness, empowerment, housing, ....we gotta do somethin together. a lil sacrifice makes a diffrence in life.


there is much risk in doing an action as well as considering it. a risk with no only a reward not seen, but not recognized.

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