Sunday, March 22, 2009

dumplings, soy sauce

as i look at my titles fer notes, i'm thankful i'm at least eating diffrent things each day.

woke up at 11ish, weird dream involving me want to play runescape again, and pushing a friend into water, ruining his only pair of clothes. went back to bed, woke up again at 1:30ish, and realized i blew off the guy from Winthrop. hopfly, we can still barter my game system. made some breakfast, while watchin Down To You on tv; Julia Stiles is attractive.

headed out to YMG, nice operator who swapped my charlie ticket fer cash. spent the whole day lookin fer trades, gettin pissed off at Eric for him bein him, and play tested each way. was able to get most of the stuff, not only fer me but other ppl too. a fight broke out in front of anna's taqueria, 2nd instance of one this week in my life, ignored it again.

came back to base, a couple talks with friends. glad to know that things are ok between us. gotta learn not to think the corny thoughts anymore-we grown now. other friends are perhaps crushin again, gotta make sure that don't end up sloppy. stomach pains, cured by dumps and bread. thank God fer connections.


if anything, i've understood that this game i's been that massive greed motivates us.

ppl want the money, ppl want the big payoffs, ppl want the biggest, largest, fattest mofo on the block.

instead, we gotta show them that with humility comes strength, cunning, and respect.

this night, we gotta realize that we must step off our thrones on high, and meet with the masses on the ground floor.


mere math motivates many morons. must maniacs muse more?

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