Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2nd round, dumplings and grape soda

guess i'm "sprung", according to urbandictionary.com

no dreams tday, but medical problems. went to copley, found out we're kicked. headed to prudential, got some connections down. went to TWIGS after, came back to base, get challenged by parents. irritated right now.


reputation is something that needs to be upheld. not the fake one, or the high and mighty one, but the honorable one. tday, someone got their stuff stolen, and i had to put it on my word that certain ppl didn't do it (even though i know fer a fact they've done it before). truth be told, i suspected someone already, but it didn't matter; everyone gets judged if the party's paranoid or threatened.

but it's sad they gotta act like lil thugs... learn to be a man.


the handicap principle comes into play way too much...stupid ppl fall for stupid things.

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