Monday, March 30, 2009

chinese wheat bread, orange juice

Don't let the sun go down on your anger. Now I know why.

was restless in bed thinkin of ppl in bed. found a splinter in my pants, dunno how it got there. woke up an headed to the post office to sell off another textbook. took the bus to get to work, someone splashed coffee on me.

explored the place roun som. it's a lot larger from the inside. filled out some forms, heard some spiels. sounds a lot of work fer X dollars an hour. apparently an old school mate is workin with me too.

on the breaks, looked fer some decent food. there's a somalian place and some spanish buffet place, but the food didn't sound too appealin. went to walgreens fer some drank. also got bored, checked out the goodwill store. got a dartboard, 2 shirts and a stuffed animal.

ended early cause they couldn't fingerprint us. back to base in the rain, come back an find out TWIGS is tmr. prolly gon chill here fer rest of the day, might check out the "alternative" gym 2 blocks down, need to kill some flab.


not mad anymore, guess i gotta learn how to take jokes. i know i can, but some seedy stuff goes down, and oh well. the sacrifices i make in order to cap a lil happiness in life. if anythin, i should be pologizin, but that might be attributed to force of habit.


countin down the days. as of right now, i'm a free man.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

dumpings and cherry slurpee...gotta fiinish them

cannot wait to leap at the chance to escape this "spring weather" in boston...freezin my nips off.

woke with dreams involvin talkin to mysterious woman, then someone's roommate, while waiting for a card tournament to start. gotta learn that i can't speak to them 3 centimeters away...keeps on incitin somethin...

post complete.

2nd round, dumplings and grape soda

guess i'm "sprung", according to

no dreams tday, but medical problems. went to copley, found out we're kicked. headed to prudential, got some connections down. went to TWIGS after, came back to base, get challenged by parents. irritated right now.


reputation is something that needs to be upheld. not the fake one, or the high and mighty one, but the honorable one. tday, someone got their stuff stolen, and i had to put it on my word that certain ppl didn't do it (even though i know fer a fact they've done it before). truth be told, i suspected someone already, but it didn't matter; everyone gets judged if the party's paranoid or threatened.

but it's sad they gotta act like lil thugs... learn to be a man.


the handicap principle comes into play way too much...stupid ppl fall for stupid things.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

dumplings, grape soda =(

time to acknowledge my corruption before i go fixin other ppl's crap. i have no high horse.

was primed to go to service tday, but i turned off my phone to avoid jeff's possible calls and texts. got woken up by parents to go, but stayed in bed. my real alarm went off at 11, so someone turned on my phone again...had a weird dream where i got murdered in someone's house by a rampant serial killer. woke up with a feelin between where my left arm an torso meet, that it felt like it was gonna fall off. made breakfast/lunch again.

went out to meet ppl from ss. thought we were goin to 88, instead they headed to asian garden. decided to head to asian supermarket fer pepto bismol drink. played some bball at the gym, then back to church fer some games of stratego and mario party 2. ppl didn't vacate, so played some whiffleball instead.

came back to base, hung with ivan fer a bit, then napped and cleaned my rooms some. all in all a decent day, no money though.


if no one's around, can one perform acts of goodness?


gotta rember to eat your Daily Bread. somethin to cure the stomach rumblin'

dumplings, soy sauce

as i look at my titles fer notes, i'm thankful i'm at least eating diffrent things each day.

woke up at 11ish, weird dream involving me want to play runescape again, and pushing a friend into water, ruining his only pair of clothes. went back to bed, woke up again at 1:30ish, and realized i blew off the guy from Winthrop. hopfly, we can still barter my game system. made some breakfast, while watchin Down To You on tv; Julia Stiles is attractive.

headed out to YMG, nice operator who swapped my charlie ticket fer cash. spent the whole day lookin fer trades, gettin pissed off at Eric for him bein him, and play tested each way. was able to get most of the stuff, not only fer me but other ppl too. a fight broke out in front of anna's taqueria, 2nd instance of one this week in my life, ignored it again.

came back to base, a couple talks with friends. glad to know that things are ok between us. gotta learn not to think the corny thoughts anymore-we grown now. other friends are perhaps crushin again, gotta make sure that don't end up sloppy. stomach pains, cured by dumps and bread. thank God fer connections.


if anything, i've understood that this game i's been that massive greed motivates us.

ppl want the money, ppl want the big payoffs, ppl want the biggest, largest, fattest mofo on the block.

instead, we gotta show them that with humility comes strength, cunning, and respect.

this night, we gotta realize that we must step off our thrones on high, and meet with the masses on the ground floor.


mere math motivates many morons. must maniacs muse more?

Friday, March 20, 2009

spaghetti with sauce and cheese

getting more sleep hasn't helped me, but it's gettin back into the "wake up before 10 am" cycle that's important.

woke to bad dreams. 2 dreams both involving thievery, one at my old apartment, the other involving my current place. one more dream involving my barb entering the arcane sanctuary and dying by a hell minotaur. really tardo, cause he didn't have double swing-only a wooden shield.

makin breakfast righ now, tryin to plan out this day. gonna go to orange julius simply to use my coupon, but it's also not half bad. hopfly pick up the psp stuff and be able to borrow an xbox 360. later on tnight, prolly readin and retirin into the night early. gotta go grocery shoppin too-the food fiasco's gone.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


right now, i'm in this weird place. wanting to be entertained, but not searching entertainment. wishin things could be resolved and laid out in stone, rather than me havin to continually guess my emotions and read others.

hopin that i can figure out how i can deal with friends and coworkers at a later date. runnin through a cycle again when i shoot myself in the foot in order to make others' lives a bit more efficient. always forgettin that there's an emotional component, which i seem to snuff out, for the sake of action. it's at these moments that i realize that the proper action may in fact be to falter and take it slow.

slow, simply because in case we do fall and fail, we are doing it together. some of the greatest feelings of accomplishment don't come in the shine of the sun, but the moodiness of night.

if i could, i'd make it so that ppl are happy fer the right reasons, and not simply in order to satisfy a task or some innate character deficiency. but it's not gonna happen, and ppl aren't going to understand overnight, nor when it really matters.

so perhaps shallowness might be the way to go, in order for some boulders of truth to get things done. it's not giving up, but it's taking a diffrent route to the same destination.

Monday, March 16, 2009

pancakes with jam, scrambled eggs, fruit punch soda

man was not meant to beg on his knees, nor fly like an eagle. earth is his domain.

woke up early from a weird series of dreams. mystery girl morphing into something else, old people on top of a summer camp hill, me singing go west "king of wishful thinking". me falling, rolling down the hill into the surrounding area of mystery woman's bed. about to enter, when all of a sudden, i play a murmillo and destroy a spirit reaper. i'm about to attack for game, when i hear another woman's voice saying "no, please". the familiarity and pleading tone of voice placates me. enter sunlight.

jeff woke me up, needin somthin to do. came over, made pancakes and scrambled eggs. plannin to see off jonathan but was too late by then. cleanin up the house some, then headed to copley. ppl with lack of confidence, while debatin the economy's status. on and off with gameplay, while talkin to folks, makin jokes. wendy's after, hearin stories and failures of glory.

TWIGS after, learnin about how God wants us to take risks with what we have, our talents, gifts, responsibilities. not unnecry risks though. played some r band and heads-up bang. walkin back to base, assailed by visions of poverty. recollectin my thoughts now.


headin back to base from TWIGS around mass ave, a spanish guy asks me fer directions, an i shrug it off since i didn't know the street he was lookin fer. he then asks me fer money twice, 50 cents first, then a quarter. i play it off by "faking" that i only know chinese.

headin down tremont st. saw two people on two separate blocks, checkin trash fer cans. night's stil active in the cafes and bars. thinkin the street's a lil more soulless now.

back to base round my area-i think...yeah, we gotta do somethin bout this. this ain't the way a city's sposed to treat its citizens. public awareness, empowerment, housing, ....we gotta do somethin together. a lil sacrifice makes a diffrence in life.


there is much risk in doing an action as well as considering it. a risk with no only a reward not seen, but not recognized.

fettuccini alfredo, fruit punch soda

noticed that the last couple times i was sick, it was cause i was spendin time with friends =)

woke up round 10ish, wasn't feelin too good. went back to bed and woke again at 1. ate some breakfast/lunch at home instead of out, dim sumin or whatever.

headed to church to look fer ppl. played some bball on the outdoor court, back inside later. watched a travesty of a monpoly game go down, while indulgin in old school paperboy.

back to base, ivan, jonathan, james, and mel at my place. we found a book in the livin room that had a buncha pickup lines to get women. played some games, headed to james' place fer pizza and guitar hero.

return again to base, made 2 decks. thinkin bout day and night. the lonely loner seems to free his mind at night...


i've made up my mind. noble ends can come from ignoble actions.

made a new enemy today, solidified in stone. time to get smarter.


so...from what i hear, cops had to patrol against bars and liquor stores, cause of the st. paddy's parade? ...must we equate drinking and..?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

flutie flakes, popcorn, fruit punch soda

my eyesight is so bad now-more accustomed to the darkness, and but still lookin for rays of light to guide me to my final destination.

woke up mid late, strugglin with my bed, feelin a lil irritated but also restless. stuck around fer a bit at home, got some good news bout a friend and her troubles.

went out to ymg, waited fer ppl to show up. killed some time in the park, playin horse and findin the errors in my shot. met up ivan and apparently he brought an acquaintance too.

came back to base, started to make shrimp alfredo w/fettuccini. got screwed up cause the cheese somehow created a bunch of oil in the sauce. decided to salvage most of it by de-oiling the mix.

wiki'd one of my old favorite shows, married with children. some tv, some games, some talk on the side, but nothin real deep. revelations in the back room, i spose. ponderin how tmr's gon go, what i wanna do, who i wanna spend time with, etc etc.


if you're scient (observant, knowing) enough in any situation, watching for the tendencies, you can dig yourself out of it, rise up and perhaps overcome.

my wonder is how short or how long life's gon be fer me. my wonder is if i made a diffrence tnight or any other night in those lives i interact with, even for a lil while durin the days. whether or not they end up becomin better ppl, either from example or observation of my folly, it's important to even "feel" that change is being done.

tday, guess was a weird day. simplest of moments give my mind volumes to struggle with. yday, i'm wantin to eradicate myself of someone's presence, and tday it comes back. the so called "veterans" are playin the same trash. an unheard question led me to a proverb by C.S. Lewis on the train. even the briefest of talks... they help me understand and piece together what exactly my role is..

tmr, what does it mark? as i write this, listenin to anthony hamilton, i wonder if tmr is gonna be game filled, or gain filled. lookin further into the next month-possible clashes once again with my 2 organs. the phrase "life goes on"... makes it necessary to prepare for a life with and without, yknow?


these nights, i never end them with a smile on my face. for once, i ask of one.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

french toast, scrambled eggs, purple powerade

with all the money in the world, would your life really change? or would your inhibitions disappear, only to resurface as new vices?

woke up early, but dreamin about the game. thought i smelt pancakes, but it was french toast. ate my cheesy eggs while jonathan killed me at cooking.

copley-won some more games. new deck ideas. left around 4 to kill time at prudential to wait for shaq. saw someone get robbed of their ipod. hung around fer a couple hours, found a Playboy in the bathroom. went to shaws to pick up ingredients fer shrimp alfredo.

back to base, cleaned up some, ate leftovers and mulled over the day. tried to watch some dvd, but ppl got bored and tired. plannin fer tmr.


it's a drag. the unique ideas i "have", now they're being listened to, and i don't want that. there's a reason why i made it that way-it worked for me, a large percentage of the time. now, if people are going to do the same thing, it's gonna lose its effectiveness.


you know, i can't lie. now i'm startin to feel a little greedy too..

Friday, March 13, 2009

flutie flakes, purple powerade, beefaroni

i don't mind losing-the challenge is what keeps me comin back, an it makes it that much sweeter.

woke up early but still was feelin groggy. checked up on the job postin again, searched instead for the branch office online, and emailed them to make sure i wasn't gettin another hoax mail. went out, played some games, talked to some ppl. came back to base, ate a nice homemade meal and then lounged fer the rest of the night. don't think i ought to become a certified nursing assistant-cause i mean, i guess it's good on paper to have, but other than that, i have no justification to go for it. lulz don't count..


every day gives me some time to reflect upon who i am, what i do, who i'm not, and what i ought to do. if anything, i learned that i'm too drawn to sympathy and intellect.

sympathy in the sense of understanding and on the level communication. intellect in the sense of tinkering around and curiosity. any endeavor that involves either or both of those values together puts me out there. fer most of these days, it would actually be discussing tactics of a certain game i play. tis sad, but it's my stimulant.

the other thing i learned tday is that i can be a real bully, given the proper circumstances. i rember a conversation i had with some friends, regarding murder and if i'd do it. guess if i can do somin small like this, then perhaps it is possible.

think i need to be outside again. outside of my bubble world in order to regrow my life.


trips in and out of a possible ghost town next month.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

flutie flakes, blue powerade

how do we actually save daylight? is this save as in...conserve, or save as recover a loss?

after comin back from ymg las night feelin a lil fiendish, played games fer a bit then went to sleep. woke up next mornin, eat breakfast. found out i ran outta socks..eww. headed to service, caught up with a friend after, then headed to trellis. learned bout logic and syllogisms. lunch after at gourmet dumpling place-ended up seein 3 worlds "collide". food was so-so, felt a lil stomachy after.

came back, decided to whiffleball instead of monpoly. played some n64, then came back to base. entertained another friend, an now watchin tv. mullin oer what to do tmr, other than go to the bank and make dinner fer TWIGS ppl.


service got me in the gut. expansion got me to wonder, while the sermon made me view my life in a different light. the thing that hit me the most was right in front of my eyes.

5+ years. gone. done. chapter of my life over. made one mistake, ok. a couple of mistakes that snowballed from it. pains me the most to see it, especially when an bad episode become the leading series.

no curse words, no anger, no regret. when i look at it, i see that from it, i wanted to become a better person. and i still do, not for those certain people anymore, but for the benefit of everybody.

*sigh*... don't think it'll er come back, cause i don't detect a heart. can only say i are friend first-and as long as they're in a better place than you can ever lead them to, then that's what matters.


we let cruelty slip into our brains, like noxious vapors. when we express ourselves, we release it, but not purge ourselves of it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

instant noodles, orange juice

at one of the few points in life where havin a snow day doesn't matter fer me nemore.

woke up round 11ish with a funky dream in my mind bout dancin. played some games fer a bit, while eatin breakfast. found out that there's over 110% of the daily intake of sodium in it-ruined my taste. gettin yelled at too don't make my day either.

went to lib to take care of stuff. plans to start mentoring some ppl, if in fact they can get it out of their heads that their way, or the "pros" way is the best method. still seein that folks only respect the money line, or are too committed to their own ideals.

bk after, went to twigs. was a weird night, considerin all the semi-isolation that i felt/saw being caused by the couples. the few solaces i had, whether gaming or music, didn't seem to work out in the end.

back to base, phone call in hand, can't talk because the roommate's sleepin. dunno what i'm feelin now-the last couple hours are collapsin on me. noticed that on my ipizzle that the only categories of songs are either love or rap...

wantin to get away from the non-life i ever had.


feelin this rancid taste in my mouth, simply because the path to happiness i want, i can never have.


righ now, lookin fer ppl in life to understand. thinkin however, my mind and heart are really confused...