Thursday, April 30, 2009

corn flakes, arizona iced tea

being 100% is the difference between flake and fake.

woke up with a weird dream about celebrities killin each other to be in my project. made a couple of phone calls to take care of graduation and other life requirements. went on the road fer a bit, and apparently i have speed issues.

came back to base, pumped up the bball, then went to peters park to shoot around. played 2 on 2, beat some white guys, lost to some black guys. sides really hurt, so decided to come back and call it a day.

decided to drink some cherry coke instead, and got sick. went out to somerville to pick up some stuff. major fail in all activities, primary an secondary. back to base once more fer some fried chicken dinner and tele plus games. mighta pulled somethin...somewhere..


power lies in purity and simplicity. and it needs to be regained...

breathe in...breathe out.. let some gas puff :)


no closing thought tday. caffeine hurts my head.

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