Tuesday, April 7, 2009

white chicken, pasta, orange juice

I want some japanese food, right now. it's my favorite.

woke up early to get my hours in, also before the rain started too. the block itself was kinda lame, but most of the numbers were posted up. one place i had to wait a couple hours for clearance, because the management company needed my supervisor's ok.
another nice car on my routes,

after the weather started to go south, ate lunch and headed to prudential to get my game on. ended up gettin the short end of the stick after a bad trade, but got my needed materials. my Nth protege is doing well.

went to TWIGS, felt kinda bad, due to the seating arrangement. was out of it the whoel time, since i didn't eat yet. some good points made about validating the existence of God. some Bang! afterwards when i got thrashed. headed back the long way to base, and got to get some bake sale food at ABP.

back at base, checkin some emails, msgs. might be gettin sued by half.com soon, and might have to request a new computer fer work.


couples eventually look the same. we saw it. oh boy, looks like i'm doomed...


you can't hide it, and you can't schedule it. it's apparent, and there.

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