Thursday, April 23, 2009

hmm, i swear i will eat that bread

ppl got too much pride. they gotta let it go, otherwise they'll be stuck in their rut fer life...this is how and who you become 10 years later.

woke up and checked, still no assignments yet. lost all my stuff in my account, gotta start back the hard way. went to catch jeff and jimmy, and was runnin around gov center and park street. out to orange julius, then to jimmy's place fer some chillin.

went to prudential, took care of some stuff. got bored an headed back to base. learnin to repractice my skills fer the big day, whenever that is..


7 deadly sins. see them in a lotta folks. especially me. but it feels like i'm only a handful who are fightin against, and not simply a person who'll sit idly by. my understanding is that people indeed are like books, and that if you actually take the time to read them, you'll understand them. their twists an turns, ups an downs.

look hard enough, and you can find a reason to smile. guess that's why some guy called me mr. joker tday.


the thing is, i find myself being happier when i help people instead of bring them down. dunno if that's a sign of maturity or not...if it is, guess i'm slippin then =P

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