Monday, April 6, 2009

lasagna, cherry slurpee

hmm...perhaps i may have to start workin at night. no other way to fill in those hours.

woke up at 10:30, but struggled to wake. tried again at 1, and succeeded. made breakfast the easy way via microwave. checked out some wiki articles, and drafted a new deck idea. gonna use some real crap that no one uses, which is why it'll work. waited fer ivan to show up at my place. funny how he got pissed at me fer waiting at the wrong door the whole time...

after a couple games, headed out to church fer some wiffleball. was stinkin all day, but gettin my batting eye better. stuck around fer a lil bit to let some neighborhood kids participate. headed out to downtown to get a T pass and in hopes of findin a dufflebag. found out Champs was closed about 5 blocks from it. took the longer route back to base.

decktested a lil bit, chatted with some folk. figurin out my work schedule-the rain's gonna kill it, but i gotsta go, like the mailman.


tday, i was reminded again that the life i have isn't mine. much joy derived from teaching ppl something, whether important or inane. tricky or sadistic. noble or destructive. in some way, we're all trained to be teachers, but i really don't wanna be one in the future.


the truth will eventually hurt. are you man enough to face it, or do you duck it to avoid the lil pain?

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