Wednesday, April 22, 2009

need to change breakfast diet...

at 7 eleven, there were four different flavors and they were the same color. think i'm gettin ripped off...

woke up earlier than i planned. had to help someone take care of their election statement. also talked to an old annoyance, and i still want my debts paid. chilled at home fer a bit, while makin some phone calls and installin the same software.

headed out to prudential, played fer a bit. after that, went to this weird place in eastie, where i got rid of some junk, and saw the old neighborhood again. came back to base, need to clear up some discrepancies in my soul.


knowledge is power. knowledge is responsibility. knowledge is a noun. =P


we really can't change people, only entice them. how you do that though... gotta reach in the bag of tricks.

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