Thursday, April 16, 2009

egg mcmuffins-homestyle, arizona ice tea

sensory overload and sensory deprivation are equally but differently dangerous.

woke up fer work with a huge pain in my back. took care of 2 blocks while bravin the chilly weather. on my way back, findin out they're shootin a movie in my neighborhood; maybe i can get a part as an extra or somin, break out.

back to base, a lil kid demonstrates why i should wear a belt from now on. chilled fer a bit, then headed out to brigham circle to check out possible apartments. would have to say mission hill has some small and crummy places. still need to figure out budgeting and who else would be there too and monies..


they say having somethin is better than nothing. true, since even if one is evil, one knows what to combat. one who stands for nothing will indeed stand for nothing.


gettin old and fat sucks. not trying to audition for Santa right now, dammit...

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