Monday, May 4, 2009

donuts-jelly, powdered, and stale

weather's not puttin a damper on my plans, only the people are.

woke up to a weird dream involving flashback with a friend. went back to bed, then woke up once again, lookin to catch some ppl fore they went to do somethin. no one around, so headed to pandy.

at pandy, lot less ppl than before. new and old enemies round, mix in a dose of idiocy and false egotism, plus a dash of failure and that would pretty much sum up the afternoon.

came back to base, whomped on ivan, ate dinner, cleaned up base, and gettin yelled at fer the bills. lookin to be a smidge more productive later on this week. it'll defly start by gettin to sleep earlier...

some ppl have not and perhaps will not change. tryin to fix them, i see a brick wall, raging futility and a tear inside that in the end, they've resorted to only being themselves. my power (or advantage, strength, whatever you wanna call it) doesn't lie in expertise, but more about bein different and comin from a diffrent angle.

ppl don't like it; they complain and moan, and comment about the folly and outlandish way things are done. but it works. gonna be on my own grind from now on, not waitin up for slackers who wanna slack, and quite frankly, i'm sick of ppl wantin to waddle in the mud, when clearly there's a better way.


people need labels for what they don't understand.

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