Monday, May 25, 2009

quic pic bbq, delivered

late night conversations usually end up either in triumph or disaster. fer me, it's usually both at the same time.

woke up early, then late, because of a false snooze. phone rang at 12, callin to hang out. chilled at my place fer a few hours, then went to the wrap up of anime boston. went to best buy after to look fer a cooling fan and to play some games. newbiry comics after, where a whole new plethora of info came at me.

comin back to base, when the rain fell like a brick. took a shower and when i was done, the sun was out again...plannin again, and need to be responsible some more. stomach pains..


pleasantries can come from the oddest of folks and places. my peace comes not at a time or place, but when no forces outside or in are pushing at me. when the flow is right, you'll know it.


I dont know what they want from me
Its like the more money we come across
The more problems we see.

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