Sunday, May 10, 2009

li wong bao, arizona sweet tea

yo, not to take shots at ppl, but what about those women who can't have kids? what a bad way to rub it in...

slept at 3:30 while beatin up ninjas and rabbits. woke to go to service, and was out of it fer a while. someone snuck up on me after and grabbed my love handles...awkward. sunday school and a lil bit of lunch. can't do pictures at all...

went to puma city with dan, charlotte, and katie. came back to church fer some bball, then came back to base to chill with ivan. ate some food, exercised and played some games. need to plan out the week, and really REALLY...need a job.


i believed you when you didn't try. would you believe me when i do?


summer day, driftin those saturday nights?

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