Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sausage links, bad bao, orange juice

swine flu today, diarrhea tomorrow.

woke up this morn, caught the early sun at 6 am, but wanted to wake at 10...bah. phone calls, and cleanin up the base. went to prudential, chilled fer a bit, and saw the boredom. went to twigs after, some din and games, then back to base. compiled a list of tradables and now kinda wastin time. thirsty.


tday, i heard two of the most thought provoking questions: so, how are you wasting your life today? and ...are you a Christ-follower?

the first question was under the pretense of sarcasm, but yeah...gotta get my life on track. gotta get old, get the monies, and get busy.

the second question...it sounds so simple, a yes or no can suffice. people usually answer it by probin deeper and say no, and on the surface, yes. hmm, my problem is with the question itself.

to ask are you a (insert word here) seems to imply a fixed identity. as we know, it's not all that simple. a simple question can get a simple answer-are you male or female? but to ask a question about one's lifestyle, one's living...it's not a yes i am, or no i'm not. usually it's a yes i am, and i am also this, or a no i'm not, and i am also this.

we are not something stapled in time-constantly we are changing. tonight, we must ask who we are, and who we are to be.


time is two dimensional until further notice

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