Thursday, November 26, 2009

h-mart katsu meal

wat do i have to give thanks fer this year? paraphrasing wat i thought of last night: the education i received that some are unable to afford, or forgo beacuse of circumstances or preferences in their life.

woke up kinda late, expectin to have to go to 2 thanksgivin meals. instead was brought out to burlington to pick up stuff from h-mart. was my first time there, so i decided to do and see a lot of things.

highlights from h-mart (and thoughts learned)
-multiple spellings of the world "dumpling" (didn't know there was an "o" or two "u"'s.
-lot of eye candy (seemed like a typical couple shopping place, even ran into jfei and lisa lee)
-korean gangsters on a karaoke disc (hip-hop pervades all cultures)
-lot of immigrant workers, sadly fulfilling the stereotype
-playing the "let's drop random items in other ppl's carts and see if they notice/buy the item"
-the tomboy who served me my katsu breakfast
-of all the misspellings and bad grammar at the h-mart, the only thing they got right was "the h-mart parking lot is not responsible for damages or losses to your vehicle."

came back to base with groceries and some new extra drinks, then headed out to fam's in quincy fer thanksgivin dinner.

highlight from din
-once again the nontraditional chinese food: beef, shrimp, turkey stuffed with sticky rice
-mishaps with the young'uns
-a nonfunctional rubik cube
-seein my cousin's new place-s'a friggin mansion
-understanding child psychology

back to base once again, tryin to figure out if i'm sick or simply agitated from my meals


as i think about it, the only bad spots in the day were when ppl decided to be snide about other's downfalls, or tried to make up for their own. those incidents could have be clearly remedied simply by adding food in their mouths. makes me think the world would be a much peaceful place if everyone were eating at once (no offense to the poverty-stricken folks or ppl who are scroungin out-much love to my brothers and sisters)


in any case, don't force your own expectations on me. perhaps none of us chose to be born, but all of us choose how we want to live.

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