Tuesday, December 1, 2009

chinese pork dumplings

plans will go awry, but we do what we can to contain the nature of randomness

after losin out on some gametime last night, woke around 1:30 and headed to Southie to pick up a package. the lady remembered the wrong bus route, had to hike it out fer a few. the ppl in southie aren't really ones to look at-and everywhere it seemed that everyone had a kid, with them on the street.

after discoverin the package wasn't what i thought it was, dumped it on broadway and let other ppl take care of it-was funny to see two women try to reassemble it. took the 9 and headed out to prudential. messed round fer a bit, din't collect any debts, but kept my head up.

back to base, did some cleanin, quiet time, some reading. learned about oxygen deprivation, the "true" version of freestyle and misconceptions, and a couple other topics as well. some late night harassment via the internet and home-gon prolly grab a snack, try to sleep earlier tnight, gotta haircut and prep for thursday onward.


(wonders if people know what they're doing.) a lot of ppl come to me, agenda prevalent and pretty one-track mind. it's pretty easy to sniff out what they want and what they're cringing about. but ppl put the blinders on and aren't willin to clear their mind and learn to forgive a lil. simply put, people see their self-righteousness shine through, but if we step back, we can see that evident faultiness of the matter, the hole-liness of it all.

(wonders if people will understand.) not sure what is up for tonight, but rather...i cannot live the realm i'm in, feeling that the paparazzi style is king-that other ppl's lives concern me more than my own. granted, there is a call to be selfless, but where is the line drawn between nobleness and radicalism, the obsessiveness?


kings feel like kings because of their people. find out why and how.

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