Thursday, December 3, 2009

cheeseburger, fries, ramune

hung over on lack of sleep-resetting schedule for tmr.

after sleepin late from readin joke posts from, woke early to head out fer the temp gig at drydock ave. bumped into molly on the bus the way there.

the day was pretty lame overall-was paid to essentially be a high school gym coach. along the way though, got to figure out more about the network and the organization. was pretty laid back-got to bounce a basketball fer an hour at the office. lunch at pete's wasn't that bad either, but i think the fries were a bit stale.

lolz ensued as the Federal Protective Service has a number 1877-4-FPS-411. thought it was a live FAQ hotline for first person shooters. as i came back to base, some guy off the bus threw something in a trash can, then ran away. turns out it was Fidelity investment research-odd place to dispose of things.

got some surprise business done, followed by a confirmation of pervading thoughts and understandings. feelin tired, so might head to bed early. lookin forward to gettin back on the work track.


apparently the government has strict regulations about overtime, but will vehemently and gladly hand out money to inept people for their elementary tasks. today, it was all about learning to start and stop a watch, as well as waiting and clicking the X in the window. feelin special...or perhaps a lil guilty cause it's really...REALLY that easy.


cringe as you imagine what ppl will kill for in order to be stable in their lives. really, what is 1 billion dollars to a country? merely pieces of paper.

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