Monday, January 18, 2010

two honey buns, arizona iced tea

this is a shout out to Will Ng, since it seems he may have checked this blog out: you host a great hot pot. chill environment, good view, nice ppl, and big tv!

woke up this mornin feelin beat, decided to snooze it, woke again at 11. killed some time in the mornin with readin, washin dishes and games, while gettin yelled at for bein inactive. had a chat with a friend and then headed out to neu territory for another friend's bday dinner. came back to base with an apple in the pocket. needin somethin to do now that involves...ppl?


how fitting it was that everythin that i talked bout with my friend today bout what was gonna happen tnight happened exactly the way i thought it would.


true to yourself, and not to worry bout others or the rest :)

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