Saturday, January 23, 2010

cinnabon, sweet tea, scone

reading is very important in a nation of technological marvels and advances. after all, how can you get the machines workin without reading the manual?

woke up early due to sounds of construction on my street, which prompted an early response back to sleep. at 9, fig'd was too tired and rewoke at 10. ran some errands involving mailin some textbooks via also screamin at my comp cause ppl decided to steal dj hero for reasons unknown. watched some tv, played some games fer a bit. turned 45 minutes of agony into 3 hours of semi-triumph.

headed out to chi-town fer the lions' dinner. standard china pearl affair, same food, same agenda, same everythin. got some random guy to sing karaoke at our table; was bout to sing after, cause i promised, but they shut down when i was bout to bust it.

back to base, a lil debating about tactics and the supremacy of smart ppl, while reading about total depravity and public order crimes on wiki. plannin what to do tmr, and possibly how to waste my last years, either floundering or fading.


last night and tnight made me think bout how vulnerable one can be, given they remain oblivious to the situations before them. yknow, i thought things were peachy keen, but i was delusional. cause of that, i feel a lil...heartbreak and confusion inside, but wisdom comes when truth is finally revealed.

when i come back from events of sorts, i wonder what it really amounts to. leavin an impact on folks and a world that i exist in-hasn't really happened, or at least i'm disappointed at the efforts. guess that's what psalm 90 is about.

coming into spring, hopefully the season will change for the better. this winter's not bad due to the weather, nor the storm or the time, but that there's no warmth around.


my heart's desire right now is to express myself, perhaps shrouded by pride and false humility, in which ways i can. through song, through intellect, through common sense. but it's not mine to use, only mine to be lent out to others, for others.

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