Wednesday, January 20, 2010

fergot my breakfast.

with the state being known now as "red", will it change the direction of our country? or is it ppl simply being paranoid of parties?

woke up ear/late after hittin the snooze again. need to figure out what's goin on, maybe it's sleep apnea. played some games in the afternoon, and entertained some guests while takin care of the finances. headed out to NEU to have dinner with some the TWIGS folks, followed by some pool at the student center. (note to self, kirklin is a scratch master)

came back to base, an pretty much twiddled my thumbs to the end of the night. watched the fb updates bout coakley losing and the state goin to hell. in my mind, i could only laugh and cry a little inside, pitying our people.


...these strawberry bars are too syrupy

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