Saturday, November 21, 2009

cheesy egg omlette, sweet tea

they say lies make the world go round. disagreein, it's what some use to get around.

slept early an woke at the right time, but postponed wakin fer another 4 hours. still kinda sick fer a bit. gettin hassled at home, headed out to take care of some bills. went to the sheraton again fer some tourin, followed by pru and the apple store to check mails. best buy after fer a lil unwindin. findin that i'm losin interests in music games now.

checked out card dog in alewife, played in tourney and swapped fer some stuff. kinda disappointed how the night went, an kinda disappointed in others too. guess this is where the conscience and justice starts to kick in.

back at base, internet's back up. took care of some business, clearin out some msgs and now kinda..alone fer the night? at least fools beckon 24/7, (if that should be any consolation....)


it's gonna be a long road up ahead. need someone to envision and recognize that potential should be more important that simply "what you can see". tough to respect folks who only act up and out for the superficial, things that they can only perceive on that surface.

granted, it's the main way one can judge and understand, to act upon such gatherings and conclusions, but guess it's simply aggravating and disheartening when ppl are short sighted. they see the cookie jar on the shelf and don't see the cake 2 shelves up.

it might be the cough makin us delirious or the fact that promises are broken much more this week, but we have obligations to be better. to ourselves, to one another, and to those who've haven't experienced that kinda grace? in the environment they live in. derisive we take advantage of those citizens, or do we strive for change in them? perhaps...there is no depends.


(wonders how many forms of comedy there really are. ironic humor and "the straight man" have already been exhausted on tv and public media)

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