Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1.5 blueberry muffins, sprite

tryin to understand how to give mercy to those who don't expect it, want it, or deserve it.

woke up kinda late an hr due to sleepin on arm and passin out. found out this morn, missed a job opportunity by 2 hours. still on file but not likin the prospect, even if it was an unexpected surprise. gamed up some, then blew some time at prudential, before comin back to base. cleared out some expenses and found out bills are overdue, and it's the mail's fault.


ppl still need a teacher, but a friend's more important. too often do i mix work with relationships, and it gets the mind in a haze. most often, i get attached too quickly when the spark is there, not the spark of attraction, but dunno, the feelin of somone needin somin of mine that i can deliver.

that doesn't mean that it ain't the right thing, but it's more...can't be puttin that first, that agenda of lookin fer my certain ppl or experience. feelin like a fading and falling angel.


tell of the next time when we and you can have a moment together to explain the complexity of your world?

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