Monday, November 9, 2009

chinese raisin bread, sweet tea

what drives me now....the game. if there are none left, guess only the ppl remain.

was dealin with a major PITA case of insomnia last night. ended up readin bout industries, wiki'in, gettin my thoughts on about ppl i know, and what to say, given the proper time. ended up goin to bed thru the sunrise.

came back up round 10:30ish breakfast an all, while packins. headed out to church fer the conclusion of the missions conference. nice talk about politics and job occupations and speakin of gettin the job done, victory in dodgeball this final week. some other time though when ervyone's ready to be treated.

headed back to base, watchin the dog playground and freestylin about the reproductive system. blew thru rest of the night gamin and makin deals, while gettin interrogated and chided by silly actions. hopfly tmr's gonna play out correctly-wait scratch that...will make it my day.


not sure what to do at this point. guess i'm feelin kinda lost again since life has been simplifyin itself. priorities right now include gettin paid, lookin fer work, take care my friends/family/self, but in my mind, there's sposed to be more.

can't really see the horizon or the big picture atm, prolly cause i hadn't listed out things like the usual. might start doin that again, will help to refocus...get those aspirations and inspirations flamed up again.

if not, then, nah. mediocrity's no fun. to paraphrase the joker "the world deserves a better class of human"


(is wondering what would have happened had not lines been invented.) which would we cross, today, tomorrow, or ever?

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