Thursday, November 12, 2009

hot dog bun, toothpaste

lol i know hypocrites-today, i ran into a hard nosed trader who doesn't want tradebacks, but asked for one to me: a thief who cried cause he was stolen from: and a trash talker who was outtrashed by a bigger trash talker.

got woken up early in the morn to accompany parents to doctors. frustrated from lack of sleep and increasing futility with agony, so headed to best buy to play some dj hero. came back to base to clean things up and get things in order.

went out, collected some debts and created new ones in the meantime. long night, interesting conversations with friends and getting sick :( moral support needed, or monetary support works too. needin sleep too as well, hopfly i'm up by 10 tmr, or else i can get beat with a rake.


ppl do stupid things, but i love 'em in the end. just...don't test the intellectual side too much, cause sensibility isn't far behind.


yes i would like to try that person's apple crisp. that sounds delightful, as long as it's not too sugary.

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