Wednesday, November 18, 2009

boston kreme donut, yogurt drinks

need someone to help in making the Hero series videos. the next idea i have is gonna be pretty blatant.

woke up this morn, irritated by the cough i still got in the middle of the night. headed out to the sheraton fer the job fair.

lulzy stuff:
pens that looked like tampons
booth competitions: blondes vs. brunettes
the guy that talked to me had bloodshot eyes, think he did some coke.
uber-bitter complimentary lemon tea
spanish yellow pages and giant stuffed AFLAC duck

went to best buy afterwards to unwind, caught some ppl who were skippin school. came back to base to drop off stuff and clothes, then headed to pru to pick up debts.

TWIGS after, with multiple intriguing convos and played the new super mario brothers fer the wii. back at base now, still kinda hungry and thirsty. bored and wantin a new book to read.


why my ppl in distress? seems more now than ever that prolems are startin to surface. tnight, it seemed a buncha ppl who are quiet were, well...quiet. the night played itself out the way it wanted to, but again a lot of potential to get deeper.

oersimplifyin life, the priorities on my mind are the ppl, the funds, and the status to move up. seems much harder, yet more desirable to keep the ppl happy on top, rather than seein them sad an low.

lookin fer an opportunity to shine out, or at least someone who's wantin to take the next steps.


perhaps in the end we're all children. to someone, to something...

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