Monday, November 2, 2009

candy for breakfast?: sign me up

being lost and being found are the same thing at the wrong place. s'a matter of who's there.

after some late night rockband and bummy feel due to madden blowout and resident evil not workin, woke up early to play some more music. headed out to chi-town fer church and lunch. dim sum was arigh, but not fillin enough again.

some dodgeball tday, went 1-1. coulda had that 1st game, but we lost momentum. next week-we win both games, and ice cream's on me, i again to relax, play some games, hang out.

back to base, some tv on and off. games some more, along with crash nap. wantin more that royal palace chicken.


in my quiet room, thoughts are in abundance yet my mind is devoid. it might have somethin to do with the lack of sleep, it might be to the change in mood. more or less though, it's the lack of motivation to overcome again that's got me placated.

an odd show, a raise of power can be quelled and nullified by simple chance and change-the games we play to recognize and reconcile the shifts we've seen.
tday, the sight was seen that if life were played out, cards face up on the table, no fun, no derived pleasure. no anticipation, no challenge, no seeking of metamorphosis, intentions astrewn. simply put, life obvious is life lacking.

however, some simple moments pass us by and we don't even stop to say hey fer it. hmm...


carry out your promises so that when the day comes, and ppl haven't ones to turn to, that one will be you

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