Tuesday, October 20, 2009

blueberry muffins, coke zero

after i think of it, only a handful of ppl can actually show respect to something worth respecting.

woke up this morn/afternoon, still needed to fight the ignorance in my bed. sent out some resumes, planned out some course of action fer the job search. accidentally applied to a secretary position in DC, but it pays...somwhat well...righ now, seems like any job available would be a fluke rather than a solid hit.

went to YC to swap some packages then headed out to copley fer some hangout time. pande afterwards like usual. this night however gets really odd. couple games here and there, learn some ins and out, and then outta nowhere, cops bring me down on accusations of a 10 dollar robbery. check out clean and then find at the end of night i'm banned from locals. they say it was totally unrelated, but bad politics and administration puts this into play.

head back to base, no one's at home. nothin in the fridge cept porti-drinks. hungerin some, but gotta ration out till next night. figurin what next to do tmr mornin.


weather's been in a fritz, and i guess so life is too. ppl are caught up, still no direction, no longing to overcome, no wanting to risk some to gain more. confrontation at night with authority figures of all types made me learn lot about human psychology.

-fear tactics don't work against someone who plays it cool
-ppl fear what they can't control nor understand
-ppl gotta protect their own psyches more than anything
-eventually, ppl don't care about the truth, that allegiances are swayed only by bread

but it's all fer the best. the world is gettin too small as i think about it. why must we force ourselves through the funnels? freedom is what we're really about, or at least should be.


apathy and ignorance are the same.

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