Monday, October 19, 2009

cha siu baos, coke zero

tnight's a good time to blog, marked both by thought and enterprise

woke right on time due to alarm, but stayed in bed till noon cause house was still filled with ppl. did some reorganizin the room-bed's at the window, larger open space. debatin whether to get rid of my tv or simply get a flatter one still. spent a good portion of the day replacin and usin my new printer. was bout to return it, until i found out that another piece of cardboard was blockin the exit..mbnfnkdsnfkjds...

some consolidatin here and there. business demo and presentation here, pretty much blew time and applied fer some jobs out there. needin more experience, so mos likely it's back to school next year if this pace continues. not really likin the adult life, and so used to livin in college mentality.


back home, realized that much hasn't changed since comin back. life's pretty much the same-surrounded by a white majority, nothin to do at base cept internet and friends, no good food cept thru groceries, or headin to chi-town fer some eats. motivated by lil, cept for the big dream of leadin the ppl to victory, while seein the same shortcomings that they can overcome, both at school and fellowship.

makes me wonder not of the futility, but what's the drive fer some folks once their life plan is laid out. am reminded of a quote (which oddly and fittingly came from Die Hard) "When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain he wept,
for there were no more worlds to conquer..." right now, i know the end isn't near, but it seems that within the world around, it's really too compacted.

is it really another delusion of grandeur? or is there a real reason as to why there's no night's end? my mind's runnin a million miles, and it doesn't know whether to stop or to overcome.


...why are there so many entry level positions for sales? no one wants to be rembered as the greatest salesperson ever, nor do they have any positive impact for the future of mankind. stop hockin other ppl's wares.

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