Thursday, November 26, 2009

h-mart katsu meal

wat do i have to give thanks fer this year? paraphrasing wat i thought of last night: the education i received that some are unable to afford, or forgo beacuse of circumstances or preferences in their life.

woke up kinda late, expectin to have to go to 2 thanksgivin meals. instead was brought out to burlington to pick up stuff from h-mart. was my first time there, so i decided to do and see a lot of things.

highlights from h-mart (and thoughts learned)
-multiple spellings of the world "dumpling" (didn't know there was an "o" or two "u"'s.
-lot of eye candy (seemed like a typical couple shopping place, even ran into jfei and lisa lee)
-korean gangsters on a karaoke disc (hip-hop pervades all cultures)
-lot of immigrant workers, sadly fulfilling the stereotype
-playing the "let's drop random items in other ppl's carts and see if they notice/buy the item"
-the tomboy who served me my katsu breakfast
-of all the misspellings and bad grammar at the h-mart, the only thing they got right was "the h-mart parking lot is not responsible for damages or losses to your vehicle."

came back to base with groceries and some new extra drinks, then headed out to fam's in quincy fer thanksgivin dinner.

highlight from din
-once again the nontraditional chinese food: beef, shrimp, turkey stuffed with sticky rice
-mishaps with the young'uns
-a nonfunctional rubik cube
-seein my cousin's new place-s'a friggin mansion
-understanding child psychology

back to base once again, tryin to figure out if i'm sick or simply agitated from my meals


as i think about it, the only bad spots in the day were when ppl decided to be snide about other's downfalls, or tried to make up for their own. those incidents could have be clearly remedied simply by adding food in their mouths. makes me think the world would be a much peaceful place if everyone were eating at once (no offense to the poverty-stricken folks or ppl who are scroungin out-much love to my brothers and sisters)


in any case, don't force your own expectations on me. perhaps none of us chose to be born, but all of us choose how we want to live.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

mysterious egg omelette

would rather be down or up, but never on the neutral spot. love the swedes, but can't agree 100%.

woke up this morn to some decent sessions. took care of some business with packages and other gatherings. went to supermarket to get milk and pan liners, followed by a meetup with some ol college folk. need to get my head back in the game.


sad today, now that i think about it.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

cheesy egg omlette, sweet tea

they say lies make the world go round. disagreein, it's what some use to get around.

slept early an woke at the right time, but postponed wakin fer another 4 hours. still kinda sick fer a bit. gettin hassled at home, headed out to take care of some bills. went to the sheraton again fer some tourin, followed by pru and the apple store to check mails. best buy after fer a lil unwindin. findin that i'm losin interests in music games now.

checked out card dog in alewife, played in tourney and swapped fer some stuff. kinda disappointed how the night went, an kinda disappointed in others too. guess this is where the conscience and justice starts to kick in.

back at base, internet's back up. took care of some business, clearin out some msgs and now kinda..alone fer the night? at least fools beckon 24/7, (if that should be any consolation....)


it's gonna be a long road up ahead. need someone to envision and recognize that potential should be more important that simply "what you can see". tough to respect folks who only act up and out for the superficial, things that they can only perceive on that surface.

granted, it's the main way one can judge and understand, to act upon such gatherings and conclusions, but guess it's simply aggravating and disheartening when ppl are short sighted. they see the cookie jar on the shelf and don't see the cake 2 shelves up.

it might be the cough makin us delirious or the fact that promises are broken much more this week, but we have obligations to be better. to ourselves, to one another, and to those who've haven't experienced that kinda grace? in the environment they live in. derisive we take advantage of those citizens, or do we strive for change in them? perhaps...there is no depends.


(wonders how many forms of comedy there really are. ironic humor and "the straight man" have already been exhausted on tv and public media)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

boston kreme donut, yogurt drinks

need someone to help in making the Hero series videos. the next idea i have is gonna be pretty blatant.

woke up this morn, irritated by the cough i still got in the middle of the night. headed out to the sheraton fer the job fair.

lulzy stuff:
pens that looked like tampons
booth competitions: blondes vs. brunettes
the guy that talked to me had bloodshot eyes, think he did some coke.
uber-bitter complimentary lemon tea
spanish yellow pages and giant stuffed AFLAC duck

went to best buy afterwards to unwind, caught some ppl who were skippin school. came back to base to drop off stuff and clothes, then headed to pru to pick up debts.

TWIGS after, with multiple intriguing convos and played the new super mario brothers fer the wii. back at base now, still kinda hungry and thirsty. bored and wantin a new book to read.


why my ppl in distress? seems more now than ever that prolems are startin to surface. tnight, it seemed a buncha ppl who are quiet were, well...quiet. the night played itself out the way it wanted to, but again a lot of potential to get deeper.

oersimplifyin life, the priorities on my mind are the ppl, the funds, and the status to move up. seems much harder, yet more desirable to keep the ppl happy on top, rather than seein them sad an low.

lookin fer an opportunity to shine out, or at least someone who's wantin to take the next steps.


perhaps in the end we're all children. to someone, to something...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

hot dog bun, toothpaste

lol i know hypocrites-today, i ran into a hard nosed trader who doesn't want tradebacks, but asked for one to me: a thief who cried cause he was stolen from: and a trash talker who was outtrashed by a bigger trash talker.

got woken up early in the morn to accompany parents to doctors. frustrated from lack of sleep and increasing futility with agony, so headed to best buy to play some dj hero. came back to base to clean things up and get things in order.

went out, collected some debts and created new ones in the meantime. long night, interesting conversations with friends and getting sick :( moral support needed, or monetary support works too. needin sleep too as well, hopfly i'm up by 10 tmr, or else i can get beat with a rake.


ppl do stupid things, but i love 'em in the end. just...don't test the intellectual side too much, cause sensibility isn't far behind.


yes i would like to try that person's apple crisp. that sounds delightful, as long as it's not too sugary.

Monday, November 9, 2009

chinese raisin bread, sweet tea

what drives me now....the game. if there are none left, guess only the ppl remain.

was dealin with a major PITA case of insomnia last night. ended up readin bout industries, wiki'in, gettin my thoughts on about ppl i know, and what to say, given the proper time. ended up goin to bed thru the sunrise.

came back up round 10:30ish breakfast an all, while packins. headed out to church fer the conclusion of the missions conference. nice talk about politics and job occupations and speakin of gettin the job done, victory in dodgeball this final week. some other time though when ervyone's ready to be treated.

headed back to base, watchin the dog playground and freestylin about the reproductive system. blew thru rest of the night gamin and makin deals, while gettin interrogated and chided by silly actions. hopfly tmr's gonna play out correctly-wait scratch that...will make it my day.


not sure what to do at this point. guess i'm feelin kinda lost again since life has been simplifyin itself. priorities right now include gettin paid, lookin fer work, take care my friends/family/self, but in my mind, there's sposed to be more.

can't really see the horizon or the big picture atm, prolly cause i hadn't listed out things like the usual. might start doin that again, will help to refocus...get those aspirations and inspirations flamed up again.

if not, then, nah. mediocrity's no fun. to paraphrase the joker "the world deserves a better class of human"


(is wondering what would have happened had not lines been invented.) which would we cross, today, tomorrow, or ever?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

blueberry muffins, vanilla soy milk

the difference between underestimating yourself and putting yourself down-real friends will encourage you. real fiends will agree with you.

was on pace to wake early but more games. 1/2way fail all day, due to bein out of luck. had some early dinner at boston house of pizza, where ironically, none of us got pizza. some TWIGS tonight, discussions, understandings, and rockband. headed then to tufts medical to pick someone up, then back to base fer some frozen gyoza, freshed. still hungry, but need to bed soon, or face the consequences of fatigue. on the plus side, i weigh exactly 89 kilos...


(wonders what happens when certain power figures in your own lives are disabled, out of commission, or killed.) how would that change your life, would you know how to get around and function? could you adjust or understand the new roles and responsibilities, or do you wander and waver to the wind?


iron maiden sucks-ain't runnin to the hills anytime.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1.5 blueberry muffins, sprite

tryin to understand how to give mercy to those who don't expect it, want it, or deserve it.

woke up kinda late an hr due to sleepin on arm and passin out. found out this morn, missed a job opportunity by 2 hours. still on file but not likin the prospect, even if it was an unexpected surprise. gamed up some, then blew some time at prudential, before comin back to base. cleared out some expenses and found out bills are overdue, and it's the mail's fault.


ppl still need a teacher, but a friend's more important. too often do i mix work with relationships, and it gets the mind in a haze. most often, i get attached too quickly when the spark is there, not the spark of attraction, but dunno, the feelin of somone needin somin of mine that i can deliver.

that doesn't mean that it ain't the right thing, but it's more...can't be puttin that first, that agenda of lookin fer my certain ppl or experience. feelin like a fading and falling angel.


tell of the next time when we and you can have a moment together to explain the complexity of your world?

Monday, November 2, 2009

candy for breakfast?: sign me up

being lost and being found are the same thing at the wrong place. s'a matter of who's there.

after some late night rockband and bummy feel due to madden blowout and resident evil not workin, woke up early to play some more music. headed out to chi-town fer church and lunch. dim sum was arigh, but not fillin enough again.

some dodgeball tday, went 1-1. coulda had that 1st game, but we lost momentum. next week-we win both games, and ice cream's on me, i again to relax, play some games, hang out.

back to base, some tv on and off. games some more, along with crash nap. wantin more that royal palace chicken.


in my quiet room, thoughts are in abundance yet my mind is devoid. it might have somethin to do with the lack of sleep, it might be to the change in mood. more or less though, it's the lack of motivation to overcome again that's got me placated.

an odd show, a raise of power can be quelled and nullified by simple chance and change-the games we play to recognize and reconcile the shifts we've seen.
tday, the sight was seen that if life were played out, cards face up on the table, no fun, no derived pleasure. no anticipation, no challenge, no seeking of metamorphosis, intentions astrewn. simply put, life obvious is life lacking.

however, some simple moments pass us by and we don't even stop to say hey fer it. hmm...


carry out your promises so that when the day comes, and ppl haven't ones to turn to, that one will be you