Saturday, April 10, 2010

items from the commonwealth seminar provided by the haley house

rain doesn't make me sad-it's the part where i get soggy that's a prolem.

woke up this morn to get to the seminar, got lost but bumped into a classmate to find the place. was zonin out all mornin, but got the message about immigrant reform and those issues with naturalization. been hearin that a lot of folks need to be represented, which is becomin a common recurrent theme fer this week. on the flip side, stockpiled a whole bunch of nantucket nectars...

came back to base, gamed fer a bit. decided to run an errand, and it prolly wasn't the best day of days to do so. completed it, but not heard back from the sender yet, nor have any payments gone through. still needin to fig out this whole system. along with that, plannin fer what to do tmr. schedule's written already-it's the flow of the day that's gon make or break.


there are 2 things we hear-sound and noise. sound is the essence of being-the wave that defines us, unique and essential for our recognition. noise is the extraneous addition into the environment. for what reasons they are emitted are our own.

lately i've been hearing a bunch of noise, mainly from the folks around. hasn't seemed like progression has been building up, but it's mostly from this sagely perspective i have, at least in terms of society.

even now, the radio that plays in my brings entertainment to a point, and then it starts to become more of a filler, something for the sake of my own ears, and not fer my mind. the silence is fine, but fer some reason, i can't want it right now...

the insides are wrestling each other again, and this instability only takes a toll on the frame that holds them both :( something needs to be satisfied, soon, lest some destruction come into play.


you, yes you, you've got me all wrong. it's not a shot at you, but it's that you haven't tried to seek what's right about me...the most disturbing part, is that you're slowly and surely becoming that evil that you once hated. you are the antagonist of animal farm, you are the self-fulfilling prophecy. ppl are too nice to say that to you, and i admit, i prolly fell fer it too. but i know it's happenin, and i don't want that, even if, even if i'm not supposed to care. only doin my job...

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