Thursday, April 22, 2010

1/2 New York Market =(

enjoying singing again-but it's prolly due to the copious amounts of water i drink now :sadface:

woke up, having enough sleep. didn't eat a good breakfast for a while, and missed dinner last night, so was feelin not good. had meeting with a guy from the commonwealth seminar. he's pretty cool, and has some ideas to get off the ground-am prolly gonna help him out some.

got lost fer a bit in the car he was drivin, but made it to best buy. killed some time on rband, and some internets. headed out to royal palace to pick up dinner and then had some CR time. was arigh, got to talk bout truest love and how we show it to folks. hung out at shabu shabu after fer a bit, but wasn't really feelin the food.

came back to base, did some auditing on the spreadsheets fer otisburg. need to get prepped fer tmr for a couple of gigs. need to find some time this week to look for "a real job."


tnight we talked about the sermon on sunday and went to figure out what is love and the expressions of it, and to whom we should show it to. the revelation today is that, yeah, the love should be shown to the most ungrateful and "undeserving" of folk, not simply to folks who are in need.

don't mean to confuse and confound, but yeah, sometimes somin that powerful is that difficult and that paradoxical. no hammurabi's code here-you show it, even if folks have blown it. time and time again, you deliver, even if folks don't send it back.


you phased me out, and i can do that for you too. the new challenge now is to not figure it out with the person next to you.

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