Thursday, April 8, 2010

chicken slices, eggs, sparkling water

the best thing i did tday was not be myself and channel someone and something greater than i can or could ever be

bad episodes and dreams led me to wake up much earlier than the alarm of 9:30. odd goosebumps dreams where a witch made tarantulas and split our bodies into cat and owner woke me to 6:30. also the sunlight didn't help either...

some gaming all thru the day, while trolling around fb and checkin the runner feed fer some tasks. made the mistake of misreading the evite, so took an unnecessary trip to lechmere. need to work on lefty guitar.

headed to CR early, where i set up and toyed with the piano fer a bit. feelin really tired and hungry, but gracefully a meal provided-will have to "reciprocate" later on.

night dragged on fer a while, oddly due to lack of ppl in sg. long discussion about many things, which will be somwhat covered in the reflective section of this post.

walked back to base, helpin a friend along the way. gettin updates on what's goin on fer tmr, and at least fer me, i gotta get more sleep, otherwise a big crash an burn.


so tday one of the key issues that we talked bout was the stance that the church takes fer certain items. one is the idea of gay marriage, or "civil unions" if you wanna be PC about it. as i write, i got my own personal thoughts and experiences about this, but this is less bout me and more about the whole of elements that we touched upon today.

in america, even this one issue falls into the purview of so many uh, -al words. here's a few of them


(sh*t, did i miss any? prolly did, but you're gettin where this goin...)

point is, i guess by approaching the issue, you have to deal with the sub-issues as well, and at this point, ppl are not down fer compromise-viewpoints are very staunch.

from my life right now, i know that folks are goin thru a lot in terms of their own desires, wants, representations, and the search for personal freedoms. america's got a great reputation for giving freedoms, but also taking them away too. eventually one view will overshadow or dominate the other.

as a Christian right now, i'm also needing to reconcile my own feelings towards denial and perhaps being shelled in. tryin to understand, empathize and make things right before hitting the big stage.

if i learned anythin tonight, it's that folks shouldn't need to feel their lives and lifestyles are threatened and that being welcome without having labels put among us or leading others to stereotype and shut out...we need to love folks first.

but things have to be clarified. as a society, we're kinda assertion heavy and not explanation heavy. "free cell phone! (with signing of 2 year contract)". this is the kind of people we are, only presenting the "main points" but not allowing the read between the lines.

today, yesterday, and tomorrow, we fight forth. granted, our talks will be a bit longer, but you'll have those question on your heart answered and feel genuinely satisfied. and if not, then we, as a people, need to be able to sit down and sift this out correctly.


flossing to some ppl is like clothing-optional.
flossing to some ppl is like clothing-for protection.
flossing to some ppl is like clothing-for aesthetic reasons.
flossing to some ppl is like clothing-cause other people do it too.

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