Thursday, April 22, 2010

cha siu baos, sparkling water

I think the National Federation for the Blind hates me. no further comment on that.

woke up this mornin to prep and get picked up fer the move in Georgetown to Haverhill. saw a lil more of massachusetts, and some cool things too, like those houses with the lawn bigger than your living room deal and driveway as large as a school bus. played with a dog fer a bit, helped some moving, and a lot of fast food franchises on the way back. stopped at Sonic in Peabody-food wasn't that great, but drinks-exactly what i was lookin fer.

came back to base to recharge phone, get some work done, and check messages, while touchin base with amanda. went to prudential to drop off some stuff and get back in the groove-playtime is not over, and it only gets funner when ppl don't know your style.

on the way back home, saw a guy who was bleedin from his knee. he refused my help, but at the same time thought that i was sarcastic-a shame, really. anyways, now at my comp, fb'ing, planning, prolly playing some games later, and deep in thought.


not a fan of neutrality, at least in terms of costs. right now, feels like i'm runnin the gamut simply to keep myself alive. in a few weeks, i'm gonna restructure and get back with bein freelance. feelin kinda sad it has to go this way though, but it's becoming blatantly obvious what i must do.


crazy love? crazy in love? love crazy? maybe i are, but she doesn't understand it quite yet. maybe the reasoning and the presentation is off, or maybe we're not on the same channel, wave frequency.

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