Saturday, April 3, 2010

corn flakes baby!...and sparkling water

tired a lot, physically, mentally, and somewhat psychicly

left the drapes open this mornin by accident, so beat my alarm by 2 hours. rewoke again when the time was right, and headed to Flour Bakery on washington st for my first errand of the day. went there thinkin it's a small joint and be pretty quick...boy was i wrong.

transported by MBTA to central to deliver the food. things felt a lil rocky but got a good review fer it. before i got to the bus, was treated to the sight of a dog crappin on city lawn, and an old guy right behind to pick it up. changed my track a lil bit as i headed to my next errand, stopped off at best buy instead. saw the iPad, tested it a bit, came to the conclusion not worth my money. "fixed" the rock band controller at the kiosk as well-still can't play rascal flats well yet.

waited some more fer the bus instead of walkin, cause still hadn't eaten lunch by then. got to see all the AB folks comin from Hynes Convention Center, and uh..i felt my eyes bleed inside. some girls gotta be modest, while other girls gotta shape themselves up.

finally made it to my second errand, which took much longer than expected. the guy was really nice though, and also got to advert the site around the neighborhood some while enjoyin the outside. saw a neighborhood easter celebration-the dj needs to know how to volume control better...

came back to base finally. played some games and was hopin to hang out tnight. instead, ran my own errands of laundry and toothpaste. gaming right now, and preppin fer tmr's easter madness. wanted to prank some folks, but i'll save that fer when A Fool's Day falls on Easter :)


perhaps the most prevailing thought on my mind is what the future of my actions now will bring. am i building anything up, or is it only self-preservation? am i freely acting? or am i exercising the only options available right now? right now, i'm tryin to get up there in my organizations to create my own changes, not fer my own sake, but fer the folks out there who need it more.

sad i are a lil bit, but nothin a lil nap won't cure. that and some lovin, by an ice cream cake.


"to my old folks out there, i know how you feel. to my young ones, i was there before. to the ones who haven't had a chance yet, i am grateful that i can be to represent you" were the words of Jesus

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