Saturday, April 24, 2010

microwave bagel, mini chocochip muffins

i went to Hen House fer the first time tday, not knowing i pass by it a lot. so many things wrong with that place-like the beer rule and the double entendres on the counter.

woke up this mornin to escape my nightmares, and also beat out my alarm this morn again. sunlight is bad crack. cleaned up the room a bit, folded some laundry, took care of messages in the ebox. headed to Pea in a Pod to start off the day.

first started out with helping this woman move some furniture out of her place-they were awkwardly heavy, and i think i mighta hurt my back :sadface: but we got it done. dropped it off at goodwill. afterwards went to kirk's bday lunch at TGIF-general hilarity went down there, and lulz to follow.

went to a gig in cambridge to help assemble ikea furniture-learned a lot about why i dislike a certain company...but that's all here and there. got the last job done to help move a futon and then i was off to the desert tasting in Dorchester.

came back to base, broke, tired, but feelin good. need to get some sleep before i feel as bad as i do after that hen house meal.


not in anythin now fer the money. they say all we're lookin for is compensation. in truth, i'd rather be broke, but have access to everything freely, rather than be the richest guy in the world and have as many ppl in my pocket as lint.

but some ppl don't realize that yet. and they better open their eyes quicker than later. wasted talent is the same as withholding it for "bigger things".


doesn't matter what i know, or how i feel. what only matters is what's real. but that doesn't mean i can't sustain with or without you. my heart's got the largest flame, but the smallest candle is all.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

cha siu baos, sparkling water

I think the National Federation for the Blind hates me. no further comment on that.

woke up this mornin to prep and get picked up fer the move in Georgetown to Haverhill. saw a lil more of massachusetts, and some cool things too, like those houses with the lawn bigger than your living room deal and driveway as large as a school bus. played with a dog fer a bit, helped some moving, and a lot of fast food franchises on the way back. stopped at Sonic in Peabody-food wasn't that great, but drinks-exactly what i was lookin fer.

came back to base to recharge phone, get some work done, and check messages, while touchin base with amanda. went to prudential to drop off some stuff and get back in the groove-playtime is not over, and it only gets funner when ppl don't know your style.

on the way back home, saw a guy who was bleedin from his knee. he refused my help, but at the same time thought that i was sarcastic-a shame, really. anyways, now at my comp, fb'ing, planning, prolly playing some games later, and deep in thought.


not a fan of neutrality, at least in terms of costs. right now, feels like i'm runnin the gamut simply to keep myself alive. in a few weeks, i'm gonna restructure and get back with bein freelance. feelin kinda sad it has to go this way though, but it's becoming blatantly obvious what i must do.


crazy love? crazy in love? love crazy? maybe i are, but she doesn't understand it quite yet. maybe the reasoning and the presentation is off, or maybe we're not on the same channel, wave frequency.

1/2 New York Market =(

enjoying singing again-but it's prolly due to the copious amounts of water i drink now :sadface:

woke up, having enough sleep. didn't eat a good breakfast for a while, and missed dinner last night, so was feelin not good. had meeting with a guy from the commonwealth seminar. he's pretty cool, and has some ideas to get off the ground-am prolly gonna help him out some.

got lost fer a bit in the car he was drivin, but made it to best buy. killed some time on rband, and some internets. headed out to royal palace to pick up dinner and then had some CR time. was arigh, got to talk bout truest love and how we show it to folks. hung out at shabu shabu after fer a bit, but wasn't really feelin the food.

came back to base, did some auditing on the spreadsheets fer otisburg. need to get prepped fer tmr for a couple of gigs. need to find some time this week to look for "a real job."


tnight we talked about the sermon on sunday and went to figure out what is love and the expressions of it, and to whom we should show it to. the revelation today is that, yeah, the love should be shown to the most ungrateful and "undeserving" of folk, not simply to folks who are in need.

don't mean to confuse and confound, but yeah, sometimes somin that powerful is that difficult and that paradoxical. no hammurabi's code here-you show it, even if folks have blown it. time and time again, you deliver, even if folks don't send it back.


you phased me out, and i can do that for you too. the new challenge now is to not figure it out with the person next to you.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

sweet bread, nantucket nectars-grapeade

these cuts on me, the blood i bleed, the tiredness i feel...perhaps i should go to the doc soon

woke up early enough to get to the meeting at borders with caleb. talked about more logistic stuff and more site design. ran an errand soon after where we headed to FedExKinkos in Harvard Square to pick up a banner fer TaskRabbit. helped them set up fer the launch party yday, learned about the word "grommet" and got to chat with a couple of folks at the party. wish i coulda stuck around more but...

got picked up by tom to go to phil's place to meetup fer dinner. caesar salad, spaghetti with italian sausage, seared salmon, and sweet iced tea-not bad. drove like a bat outta hell to the WorldVision exhibit in Hopkinton to learn about AIDS. experience-was arigh, pretty chilling at some parts, but mostly the whole thing made me feel uncomfortable on multiple levels.

unintended lulz when i was there:

seein that nurse in the exhibit-didn't expect to see any ppl there, got freaked out.
hand sanitizer after the exhibit-you can't cleanse yourself of what you learned or saw, nor can you sanitize yourself from AIDS.

andrew led us on a winding path to a Dunkin Donuts in Framingham, some folks didn't attend cause they were "lost". nice talks about the exhibit before headin back to base. took some orders while catchin up on emails. needin to prepare fer the next days, and to get some training done, even though my body's crap right now...


if anyone has been watching my Facebook posts, you've seen that i was in a lil flurry of anger last night, due to what transpired after the exhibit. a small lil thing like reminders of folks saying Africa is so impoverished, so afflicted by malady... yes that may be the case, but it's not the ONLY place hit in the world. and yet for some reason, we divert all our pity and 2nd class citizenism towards it, whether intentionally or not.

there are other spots in the world that need help, and i'm not saying this to lessen the severity of the problems affecting Africa, but it comes to a point where you ask yourself, "are you really helping folks because you feel guilty about it, or is it a genuine call to arms to help another human being, regardless if they were hurting?" we spoke of something in how we treat these folks like outcasts, but a point made in the exhibit is that anyone with HIV/AIDS can look like anyone and look perfectly healthy; they don't have to be malnourished or frail-looking.

at the same time though, one of the problems is that there is a shunning, a social stigma involved with having or being associated with those diseases. wonder if folks could someday look at a person and care fer them first without havin to use something else as a reference point for them. "hello, this is my friend John-he has AIDS". what you should hear and note first is that this is first and foremost a friend. so what if he has AIDS? you didn't become their friend BECAUSE they had this something-you were there first, and then you learned of this, and you were still there. that's that trueness that this world ought to be lookin for.

leavin the exhibit, WorldVision encouraged folks to sponsor a child, and i gave an honest answer, that i wouldn't do it at this time fer many reasons (in no particular order)

-financial (not enough funds right now i got)

-improper method? (anyone can really donate to a kid somwhere in some far land, but i feel that if i'm really gonna help this kid, that i should be doin more than simply 3rd partying-direct involvement is what i want)

-wanting of a stronger relationship (if and when i would meet this kid, i don't want to say, "oh i met you because a social welfare group told me about your story." these folks are not charity cases-they are people.)

-not moved by guilt (if i were to do this, i'd want to it to have freeflowed thought from myself, instead of having some exhibit urging me to do so. it's nice they encouraged it, but it's not true if someone else prodded me on instead of myself wanting to really help)

but yeah, that's my 2 cents about it. i need to understand more about my world tday.


in the same way that a lot of things don't impress me, i too am not impressive to you. ah well, i gotta keep on my grind fer now. if you wanna quicken your pace in life, or wanna stop and smell the flowers, it don't matter, cause i'll always be here if you wanna find me. it's only a matter if you are WANTING to.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

let's stuff 2 days into a post

that sleeping in anger from las night is REALLY helpin me get feel the need to get to bed much earlier.

woke up to a chilly mornin. headed out to the hatch shell to help shoot a video fer also participatin in the relay fer charity on marathon monday. dunno if i can pull 4 miles, but the will to succeed is there. had lunch at papa razzi, shoulda got the new york sirloin instead of the farfalle salmone...

darted to quincy center to meet Tackey Chan at his kickoff campaign announcement fer state rep. found out i was too late, but ran into him and his family as they were comin back from dunkin' donuts. got to talk about political issues, involvement and a battle plan fer the upcoming election.

came back to base, played some games. got angry so decided to sleep off a hot head. ended up wakin at 2, and replayed until 5. so ended the night.

a quick nap where ended up wakin at 8, and not brushin my teeth, due to the quick drop. had congee fer breakfast and felt pretty satisfied. service and sunday school were arigh, cept was seein some sadness develop in front of me, but it's not my role anymore to change it. recruited some help for the upcoming movies, so keep an eye out.

go to c-town fer lunch cause royal palace dropped the ball in terms of serving ppl effectively. got a pork dish which made me, as a great thinker once said, "feel like a fatty". played some games fer a bit in the youth lounge, while messin around with sleepin people. definitely shoulda pasted something on stanley's face...

back to base, decided to start the relay training. was gettin into a progressive groove, and then i bottomed out by forgetting to drink water. returned back, showered, and then trained on the steps inside the building-(gettin winded from the stairs is prolly a bad thing...) looked some random wiki articles including the poland incident, animal rights, and tips on how to be a better runner. fallin asleep, so optin to rest up fer tmr to a whole buncha nothin...need to secure business deals quick, cause fallin deeper into debt.


2 types of selfishness that fall into extremes. one is the classic "it's all me, me, me!" deal where everythin revolves around one person. pretty self-explanatory. the other is the one that i'm fallin into now, and lookin fer a way out. it's "i don't care bout me at all, and rather, let's fulfill other folks' stuff first."

why is that bad? think it falls into the category of tryin to heap false humility upon myself. or even so, it borders around reckless behavior. guess my tolerance for action is pretty high, but it shouldn't come to the point where it's the only craving, the only thing on the mind. after all, even the smallest of animals and the greatest of kingdoms feel a need fer self-preservation...the health of it all

seeing now that both extremes dehumanize the person in question. the former example turns the person into an entity which is only self-serving and consumes only for oneself. the other is simply a robot, mindlessly carrying out commands that users input into it. no thinking involved, no feeling...only the sense of "it must be done, regardless". this is my own challenge-to not become that professional that i once sought to be. folks don't need taskmasters-they need humans, they need company, they need friends.


think from now on i'm prolly gonna speak a lil more, due to the fact i feel i'm fading too hard, at least by accident now, as opposed to when i looked to be the ghost of my fantasies. it's arigh either way i guess-either i stay fresh and impartial, or become immersed into the fabrics. we'll see how it works out next week.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

items from the commonwealth seminar provided by the haley house

rain doesn't make me sad-it's the part where i get soggy that's a prolem.

woke up this morn to get to the seminar, got lost but bumped into a classmate to find the place. was zonin out all mornin, but got the message about immigrant reform and those issues with naturalization. been hearin that a lot of folks need to be represented, which is becomin a common recurrent theme fer this week. on the flip side, stockpiled a whole bunch of nantucket nectars...

came back to base, gamed fer a bit. decided to run an errand, and it prolly wasn't the best day of days to do so. completed it, but not heard back from the sender yet, nor have any payments gone through. still needin to fig out this whole system. along with that, plannin fer what to do tmr. schedule's written already-it's the flow of the day that's gon make or break.


there are 2 things we hear-sound and noise. sound is the essence of being-the wave that defines us, unique and essential for our recognition. noise is the extraneous addition into the environment. for what reasons they are emitted are our own.

lately i've been hearing a bunch of noise, mainly from the folks around. hasn't seemed like progression has been building up, but it's mostly from this sagely perspective i have, at least in terms of society.

even now, the radio that plays in my brings entertainment to a point, and then it starts to become more of a filler, something for the sake of my own ears, and not fer my mind. the silence is fine, but fer some reason, i can't want it right now...

the insides are wrestling each other again, and this instability only takes a toll on the frame that holds them both :( something needs to be satisfied, soon, lest some destruction come into play.


you, yes you, you've got me all wrong. it's not a shot at you, but it's that you haven't tried to seek what's right about me...the most disturbing part, is that you're slowly and surely becoming that evil that you once hated. you are the antagonist of animal farm, you are the self-fulfilling prophecy. ppl are too nice to say that to you, and i admit, i prolly fell fer it too. but i know it's happenin, and i don't want that, even if, even if i'm not supposed to care. only doin my job...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

bad cornflakes, sparkling water

perhaps now, is the time to start caring, and maybe to do things as duties instead.

prolly gon skip all the stuff i did tday. most of it seemed pretty uneventful. headed to a runner rally and gained some more info. headed to the portrait of a childhood thing at harvard, and felt like i was at at one of those jonestown brainwashings. came back to base, and back to yelling at ppl over the internets.


folks who really wanna know, will really want to know. simple as that, if they're not lookin, they won't see it, or get it.

my world's blanker than it looks.


sigh...they only want what they want.

chicken slices, eggs, sparkling water

the best thing i did tday was not be myself and channel someone and something greater than i can or could ever be

bad episodes and dreams led me to wake up much earlier than the alarm of 9:30. odd goosebumps dreams where a witch made tarantulas and split our bodies into cat and owner woke me to 6:30. also the sunlight didn't help either...

some gaming all thru the day, while trolling around fb and checkin the runner feed fer some tasks. made the mistake of misreading the evite, so took an unnecessary trip to lechmere. need to work on lefty guitar.

headed to CR early, where i set up and toyed with the piano fer a bit. feelin really tired and hungry, but gracefully a meal provided-will have to "reciprocate" later on.

night dragged on fer a while, oddly due to lack of ppl in sg. long discussion about many things, which will be somwhat covered in the reflective section of this post.

walked back to base, helpin a friend along the way. gettin updates on what's goin on fer tmr, and at least fer me, i gotta get more sleep, otherwise a big crash an burn.


so tday one of the key issues that we talked bout was the stance that the church takes fer certain items. one is the idea of gay marriage, or "civil unions" if you wanna be PC about it. as i write, i got my own personal thoughts and experiences about this, but this is less bout me and more about the whole of elements that we touched upon today.

in america, even this one issue falls into the purview of so many uh, -al words. here's a few of them


(sh*t, did i miss any? prolly did, but you're gettin where this goin...)

point is, i guess by approaching the issue, you have to deal with the sub-issues as well, and at this point, ppl are not down fer compromise-viewpoints are very staunch.

from my life right now, i know that folks are goin thru a lot in terms of their own desires, wants, representations, and the search for personal freedoms. america's got a great reputation for giving freedoms, but also taking them away too. eventually one view will overshadow or dominate the other.

as a Christian right now, i'm also needing to reconcile my own feelings towards denial and perhaps being shelled in. tryin to understand, empathize and make things right before hitting the big stage.

if i learned anythin tonight, it's that folks shouldn't need to feel their lives and lifestyles are threatened and that being welcome without having labels put among us or leading others to stereotype and shut out...we need to love folks first.

but things have to be clarified. as a society, we're kinda assertion heavy and not explanation heavy. "free cell phone! (with signing of 2 year contract)". this is the kind of people we are, only presenting the "main points" but not allowing the read between the lines.

today, yesterday, and tomorrow, we fight forth. granted, our talks will be a bit longer, but you'll have those question on your heart answered and feel genuinely satisfied. and if not, then we, as a people, need to be able to sit down and sift this out correctly.


flossing to some ppl is like clothing-optional.
flossing to some ppl is like clothing-for protection.
flossing to some ppl is like clothing-for aesthetic reasons.
flossing to some ppl is like clothing-cause other people do it too.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

corn flakes baby!...and sparkling water

tired a lot, physically, mentally, and somewhat psychicly

left the drapes open this mornin by accident, so beat my alarm by 2 hours. rewoke again when the time was right, and headed to Flour Bakery on washington st for my first errand of the day. went there thinkin it's a small joint and be pretty quick...boy was i wrong.

transported by MBTA to central to deliver the food. things felt a lil rocky but got a good review fer it. before i got to the bus, was treated to the sight of a dog crappin on city lawn, and an old guy right behind to pick it up. changed my track a lil bit as i headed to my next errand, stopped off at best buy instead. saw the iPad, tested it a bit, came to the conclusion not worth my money. "fixed" the rock band controller at the kiosk as well-still can't play rascal flats well yet.

waited some more fer the bus instead of walkin, cause still hadn't eaten lunch by then. got to see all the AB folks comin from Hynes Convention Center, and uh..i felt my eyes bleed inside. some girls gotta be modest, while other girls gotta shape themselves up.

finally made it to my second errand, which took much longer than expected. the guy was really nice though, and also got to advert the site around the neighborhood some while enjoyin the outside. saw a neighborhood easter celebration-the dj needs to know how to volume control better...

came back to base finally. played some games and was hopin to hang out tnight. instead, ran my own errands of laundry and toothpaste. gaming right now, and preppin fer tmr's easter madness. wanted to prank some folks, but i'll save that fer when A Fool's Day falls on Easter :)


perhaps the most prevailing thought on my mind is what the future of my actions now will bring. am i building anything up, or is it only self-preservation? am i freely acting? or am i exercising the only options available right now? right now, i'm tryin to get up there in my organizations to create my own changes, not fer my own sake, but fer the folks out there who need it more.

sad i are a lil bit, but nothin a lil nap won't cure. that and some lovin, by an ice cream cake.


"to my old folks out there, i know how you feel. to my young ones, i was there before. to the ones who haven't had a chance yet, i am grateful that i can be to represent you" were the words of Jesus

Friday, April 2, 2010

corn flakes in a bucket, Plato and a Platypus-Ethics

why do i feel accomplished? simply because someone else set a pinnacle, and i'm ever so close to reaching it? would i have wanted it, if someone else didn't want it in the first place?

broken sleep tday so woke before the alarm. did some back in the day buffet before checkin emails and runnin another errand. was on the go but finished breakfast beforehand.

gettin there wasn't so bad-ken's noodle house at the 88 in allston. took care of those orders and trekked to medford, while bein able to plug the business some to this elderly indian woman who recommended a restraunt in harvard square. gon go check it out sometime or other.

after makin the delivery count, headed back to base. saw some odd faces, like this old lady who looked like one of those grand tiki statues, and another person from twigs, whom i happened to catch at the right time. took care of some packages and stuff at base before headin to the beta test for RunMyErrand's new site.

they had pizza, wings and beer; i had pizza, wings, and water. the site still needs to go thru some aesthetic changes, but other than that, it seems ok. met the folks and the higher ups who upkeep the site-they're typical folks is all, pretty down to earth, and all familiar with the word douche, seein how it comes up in conversation like so.

once more back to base, caught up with some folks. gamed fer a bit, and takin some good advice. kinda busy weekend ahead, and i wanna make some money thru all of it, but...there are bigger plans at work.


so as i was goin to the meetin at RME, i went thru my city. found out that Barack Obama was comin to town, apparently fer a DNC fundraiser.

good job-the man's gotta keep up appearances and be loyal to his party. created a lot of gridlock downtown, and folks were comin to see him later at night as i was tryin to catch the bus. they were treatin him more like royalty and celebrity, rather than presidency.

thoughts came to me-is this what bein at the top is? acquired status? rubbin elbows with the higher ups? parties and fundraisers? it's prolly not-musta been a bad day, bad timing is all. but everythin happens fer a purpose. we'll see how this all plays out years from now.

if (and it's a big if), Mr. Obama, you're reading this, lemme request a call to humility, to come down to folks at my level, ones who are facin that crappy hardship called unemployment and destitution, but have great motivation, vigor, and a hope that the nation can carry forth, if indeed we implement true change, rather than play and tinker with the forces that are dominant now. my dream, one day, to serve the people while being with the people...Rudyard Kipling's "If" (If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings—nor lose the common touch) one day reach the position you're at, and to serve it well with a legacy of wisdom, frugality, and empathy-that is my hope.


what is love? it's not a sandwich, tv show, animal, or even a feeling. ok, maybe it's a feeling, but love is truth. hope you're out there hearin this, so that we can try this again, at least in my mind.