Thursday, November 27, 2008

s'like the whole world...

is taking a massive dump on me this thanksgiving.

here's the scoop-i've been havin a terrible one. come back to base and find the house lookin like a mess. because of lack of sleep fer a good 3 weeks, i've been exhausted. wasn't able to get some stuff ready for wednesday.

wednesday, got nothin done so far. also got taken for a massive hit on the same day.

this mornin, wasn't able to get to MIT field to hang out. furthermore i get news that it's not thanksgiving lunch and actually it's dinner, making me have to choose one of three things. since i don't see my family much, i opt for that plan. this year, we had hotpot as dinner, and that'd be great...cept for the fact that i hate hotpot.

on the way back home, parents get snippy because i wasn't speaking in chinese. wantin to leave home, for much longer than ever.

other stuff's been crackin at me. family stuff, the fact that i'm almost done with school and have to find a job at the worst time for the economy. haven't spent any time with the people i wanted to, nor made any money. ran thru the timeline, and found out that my worst enemy has been my home.

needin a way out. so sick of this place now. how much worse will it be when i really have to return...

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